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I do not own MHA. This Fic is meant to be a fun experience that I hope you all like. Now I present The Light That Won't Go Out.

Within the city of Musutafu, the sun began to rise, radiating its orange and yellow light down upon the residents. The sounds of alarm clock chimed had resounded around the city, stirring the citizens out of slumber, the loudest of which could be heard in the bedroom of a fifteen year old boy. The snoring he had exuded woke up his brother, a man who by all accounts had waited for this moment, he quietly let himself into his brother's room, and lightly tapped the boy's bed. his snoring grew quiet as his bed was lifted from the ground, his brother's hand raised slightly, looking as though he was holding the bed. The final snore had stopped when he motioned his hand violently to the ground, the bed slamming to the wooden ground in the process.

"Get up Gin!" The brother shouted, his white hair was disheveled, the strands looking alive, his blue eyes looking at where his brother's bed was. The younger boy jolted awake from the sudden movement, his head spinning to see what had caused the commotion, landing on his brother in the doorway.

"I'm up, I'm up, I got it Kansei!" Gin replied, he quickly maneuvered himself out of bed, he could feel the soothing warmth of the sun on his back, waking him up considerably. He started his venture by taking a shower, brushing his teeth, and getting dressed. His mind pondered on whether he got the letter or not last night, dwelling on if he should have checked last night. His surroundings race ahead of him as he makes his way to the wooden kitchen table. A letter was laid in front of him by his brother. His eyes immediately locked with his brothers on the opposite side of the table. He opened up the letter to find he had been successfully chosen to participate in UA's entrance exam.

"So, what do you think little bro?" Kansei asked, he wore a soft expression, a smile was plastered on his face. Gin kept on holding the letter in his hands, quickly looking at his brother then back down to the letter in hand. His blue eyes meeting his brothers, his brother got out of his chair and started bringing out ingredients for what looked like pancakes, secretly putting chocolate chips in the mix. There was only one word Gin could utter out,"Thank you."

The downtown streets were quiet, the sun not showing to meet its gaze, the light obscured by the large apartment complexes further out. Most would still believe it would be night, or at the very least dawn steadily approaching. In one of the apartment complexes, a boy was tossing and turning recklessly in his small bedroom, tumbling in the process. The fall waking the boy up abruptly waking him, escaping his night terrors. The boy checked the watch on his desk, it was 8:02 A.M, roughly an hour before he had to wake up. He then remembered the letter that was sitting on his desk, snapping back to reality.

'What is that letter for again?' He thought to himself,'certainly not the bill?'

'It's probably the UA letter.' Another voice etched into his mind. He tensed up as the words echoed in his mind. The thought of it making his stomach swallow itself whole. His heart racing at each step, closing in on the small desk that had a white letter in. He sat down and began to open the letter slowly, each second feeling longer than the last. With one final slide of his fingers, the letter opened up. Inside was a small written note, addressed to him with his name written on the front of the note, it read as the following.

Dear Axel

We are happy to inform you that you have been accepted to take on the UA Entrance Exam. This is one of the many steps to becoming a pro hero, you will be tested to the absolute extreme, to be tested both physically and mentally, keeping up with your academic choices, along with showing this career with the utmost respect.

My regards.

Principle Nezu.

Axel read the note multiple times, taking each word into consideration, it was a simple message for even the dumbest of people. He looked back to his watch, the numbers 8:30 were plastered on it, each tick signifying more time was wasted. He put the letter back down and got ready for the day. Getting on his simple uniform after his shower. Not even trying to tackle the abomination that was his hair. He tried slicking back the ginger multiple times, ending with half slicked back, the other still looked like a clumped mess. His uniform was one of the only clean things he kept at the school, along with his utensils.

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