Chapter 2

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Emily quickly stopped what she was doing to the egg and looked at it and is wondering what to do now with it.

"Hello my Child." Emily heard loud inside her head.

"Who the hell are you." Emily knew it was impossible to enter her mind unless it was one of her weapons talking to her. To say she was confused would have been the biggest understatement ever.

"Child I am the egg you are standing over." Emily looked down at the egg in shock.

"You're an egg what the hell?" Emily said out loud.

"Yes, and your point? I'm a dragon egg we do have magical power you know." Emily looked in shock never expecting the egg to talk.

"Ummm hello my name is Emily."

"Yes, dear I know who you are. I want to make a deal with you if possible." Emily just looked at the egg wondering what the fuck was going on and if she was still knocked out or dead.

"Ok what kind of deal we are talking?" Emily asked.

"That child is a ½ breed she's part dragon part human I want you to protect her and keep her alive and train her to fight." The Egg said.

"Wait wait wait wait wait wait back the hell up she's a what now?" Emily looking confused shocked and wondering what the hell was going on.

"You heard me kid. She's part dragon and your going to teach her to fight." The egg stated.

"First off why do I have too?" Emily asked.

"Well kid she will be as strong if not stronger then you. She also is your only hope to kill the Demon king."

"You are kidding right?"

"Sadly, no I wish I was."

"So, who are you then Mr. egg?" Emily asks.

"I was an elder dragon before I turned on the Demon King and he tried to kill me and that girl I had been protecting. I opened a door and couldn't fully close it being stuck as an egg, so demons followed us. I am sorry about the village." The elder dragon egg said.

"So, who is the girl really? Why bring her here." Emily asked.

"That I can't tell you now one day maybe. But for now, you need to trust me."


Emily can hear the Egg sigh in her head. "My name is Pendragon. I was a great Elder dragon chief before the demon king killed me. I used the last bit of magic I had to turn myself into an egg and send us here." Pendragon said.

"So, what do I do about you then?" Emily wondered if the egg would attract demons at all.

"It will take a while and a lot of magic before I can hatch from this egg but tell then I'll let you take some scales off of it to make some gear for the girl and yourself sound like a fair trade so far?'

Emily knew how rare dragon scales yet alone Elder dragon were, she also knew how strong they were. They were almost impossible to break fighting demons

"Ok deal for now we can talk more later about it." Emily said.

"Here I'll give you a few free of the deal enough to make yourself another weapon of higher grade." Pendragon using a small amount of magic and made a few scales fall off himself letting Emily pick them up.

"Thank I already have an idea what I'll make from an old book I found from before the great war." Emily said before picking up Pendragon and carrying him over to the girl.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2020 ⏰

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