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"I need another drink!" Greyson shouted over the loud music, his words slurring and his body swaying. He held an empty red plastic cup in his hand, his free hand wrapped around a random girl's waist.
The girl only giggled, gripping onto his shirt and pulling him closer to her intoxicated body.
"You're not going anywhere, mister!" More giggles escaped her tiny body, her words slurring just as bad as his. The crowd began jumping, drunk bodies crashing into one another as the music boomed through the speakers. There were zero cares given, having fun was all that mattered.
It was the first Senior Only Party of the year, one of the most important parties to attend if you wanted to gain any sort of popularity before graduation. It would last for hours and most seniors wouldn't attend school the next day due to fabulous hangovers. However, everyone attending the party would be too drunk to notice the juniors and sophomores who would sneak in.
"Evans!" One of Greyson's friends shouted through the music, "you need to try this, dude!" Without letting a second pass, another red plastic cup was in Greyson's hand. He didn't know what the liquid inside was, but that only made him more excited. He slammed the liquid in two gulps before tossing the cup into the crowd. The liquid burned his throat, causing him to cringe for a few seconds before laughing it off.
"What was that?" Greyson shouted, ignoring the random girl who grinded against him.
"Don't worry about it, man, just enjoy the party!" With that said, Greyson's friend disappeared into the crowd; leaving Greyson with the drunk and now horny teenage girl. It only bothered him for a few seconds until the mysterious liquid kicked in, making his body go in sync with the girls'.
After a good minute of grinding on each other, the girl pulled Greyson even closer and brought her lips to his ear, "Wanna go make out?" She asked with yet another giggle. He had to take some time to process what she had said, but he didn't hesitate to nod once his brain was done having a moment.
Quickly grabbing Greyson's hand, the girl began making her way through the crowd and to a dimly lit hallway that screamed 'Makeout Area!' Greyson didn't know a thing about this girl, not even her name or if she was actually a senior. That didn't seem to bother him though, all he wanted was to be satisfied by the end of the night. Before Greyson had even slammed her into the wall and put his lips against hers, her little fingers were already trying to unzip his pants and expose him to everyone lurking in the hallway.
"Hey hey hey," he mumbled, the liquor already hitting him. "Let's not do this here." The girl whined out, one of her hands gripping his shirt and the other still trying to unzip and remove his pants. She clearly had too much to drink and was desperate for sex, no matter who it was with or where she did it. Greyson let out a small chuckle, trying his best to not get irritated while intoxicated, "let's let go now." His words were still slurring and his sober mind was gone at this point.
"You asshole!" She shouted, letting go of him completely and using all of her strength to push him away. "Did you ever think I was gonna have sex with you?!" Without letting a second pass by, her small hand reached up and slapped Greyson hard across the face. It wasn't long before she had stomped--or in this case stumbled--away and into the crowd. Greyson didn't seem to even notice that she had slapped him, his mind and body nearly being controlled by the alcohol he had consumed. Turning around and walking over to the table with snacks, his body began to feel heavy and his head felt extremely light.
Maybe I just need another drink... He had thought to himself, turning towards the direction of the bar. His body was pushed in many directions as he tried to walk, his legs only trying their best to do their job and walk him over to the bar. It had taken Greyson a good five minutes to finally reach the bar that stood almost 20 feet away, but he felt proud once he had reached it. Gripping onto the bar counter, he searched for a bartender of some sort and continued to sway.
Looking around, his vision began to blur and he could see strings of different colours. He didn't doubt at this point that some sort of drug had entered into his system and was taking effect, but that didn't stop him from wanting more.
    When his vision found itself going back to normal, he caught two unknown people staring at him from across the room; a teenage boy and girl. He didn't recognize them but they looked to be around his age, both leaning against the wall with their arms folded across their chest. They didn't look to be drunk or even high because of how they looked at one another and chatted. Were they new?
"What can I get ya?" A voice finally asked, causing Greyson to quickly turn around but get dizzy. That still didn't stop him, he only tightened his grip on the counter and looked at the bartender person.
"Three shots of Vodka, please." He requested, the bartender preparing all three shots in only a couple seconds. Greyson downed the shots faster than he intended, his throat burning and his body reaching its max.
"Holy--" He groaned, grabbing his head as it spun. Never in his life had he gotten this drunk or gotten anywhere near it, but now he knew. As seconds ticked by, Greyson only felt more and more lightheaded. This feeling was no longer enjoyable for him, not even a bit. With more and more groans escaping him, he began to search for his friends or at least someone who could help him. No luck. Maybe those mysterious people could help him Quickly turning the direction they were in, he noticed that they were gone and nowhere in sight; leaving him confused and spinning in circles trying to search for them.
"No..." he groaned. "This can't be happening." Growing a bit scared of how his mind was reacting to everything, he felt that he was now hallucinating. Standing in place, he allowed the music to fill his ears and all of the bright flashing lights make his hallucinations worse. That was until he felt arms snake around his waist and a rag cover both his nose and mouth.
"Ça suffit, mon ami," He heard another male's voice whisper into his ear, but he couldn't understand what the words meant. It was within seconds that he felt his body go limp and his vision turn from blurry to pitch black.

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