chapter 2

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I have never thought the owner of the footsteps is Atalaya and Barry, with the darkening of the sky, the most beautiful panorama, if expressed with words so sweet to hear, which made his favorite momentum when dusk arrived. Not only drinkers can opium, but sometimes also enjoy making opium, so that those beautiful moments are enshrined by brewing coffee, or just sitting while looking at the beautiful evening, but what i saw a confused face, angry and disappointed because i wasn't heard a word between them, there was only silence with the sound of their footsteps. Barry was a friend when i was sitting in elementary school, i know he is handsome, hard working, obedient to parents but playboy, almost a students knows Barry, not just because he is active in organizations but is also well known as a playboy, So Atalaya is my partner at the salon, she is beautiful, hard-working, almost all my colleagues like it but atalaya is very steadfast in its stance, when I am sure of a stall which he thinks is right when the theme gives input atalaya is difficult to accept.
Dusk is cruel, comes bringing beauty and leaves without saying goodbye, and is always repeated to the next day. I never thought before why Atalaya and Barry came home together while tracing the railroad tracks, which I know their boarding house is in the same direction, so it is natural that they go home together, they are hardworking figures, because they are willing to leave in the evening and go home late for a bite of rice. Barry wasn't much different, which is playboy. So what is the reason atalaya can accept barry...?

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