The Strange Visitor

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Kou's POV

I lie on my bed, my staff carefully propped up in a corner. Teru is counting on me to exorcise Hanako-kun, but Yashiro-senpai is already a target for apparations. Maybe it would be safer to keep Hanako around, to protect her.

A tapping sounds at the door, interrupting my thoughts. I sigh.

"Kou! Can you get that! I'm busy." Teru calls. I sit up, and jump off my bed. Picking up my staff before I leave, I dart down the stairs, and open the door. There, on the doorstep, I see a kid, wearing pink, his hair up in a pony tail, shivering on my doorstep. He looks up at me, and I notice the bruises on his face.

"I... I'm sorry... I- If it's a bad time... I... I can leave..." He stammers. I shake my head, and hold out a hand. The boy flinches back. I stay still as he slowly reaches out a hand.

"Thank you..." He murmurs. I smile softly at him. I pull him in gently to the house, closing the door.

I lead him through the house, quietly bringing him in.

"Kou! Who was at the door?!" My brother yells. The boy's eyes widen, and he starts shivering. I hold his hands, and look at him. I'd left my staff at the door.

"Hey, it's okay, it's okay." I murmur. He slowly stops shivering.

"I'll explain later!" I call back, making sure not to be too loud. I lead the boy to my room, and sit him down on the bed.

Taking out a first aid kit, I turn back to the boy. I give him a small smile.

"Can I treat your bruises?" I ask. The boy nods silently. I push his hair to the side, and clean the bruises and cuts on his face. He gives a forced smile.

"What's your name?" I ask. The boy looks shy all of a sudden.


"Can you take off your jersey for me, Mitsuba?" I ask softly.

"Why? So you can do pervy things to me?" He demands, his voice a little less quiet now.

"No, not at all. I just want to help." I promise. Mitsuba sighs, slowly pulling off his jersey. I look at his arms, mouth gaping open.

"... I'm sorry..." He whispers. On his arms, scattered up and down, are cuts. The red lines almost make me cry, even though I don't know him. No one deserves to have that happen to them.

Using disinfectant, I clean the cuts tenderly, then wrap them up. I stare at the boy.

"Where else are they?" I ask. He shrugs.


"Do you want me to clean them, or will you?"

"I'll clean them." He picks up the now packed up first aid kit, and stands up. "Where is your bathroom?" He asks. I take his hand again, and lead him to the bathroom.

When the door locks, I walk to my brother's room, and knock on the door.

"Come in!" He calls. I walk over to his bed, where I sit down.

"About the visitor-" I start, only to be interrupted.

"Who was it?" He asks.

"It was a boy. He was injured, so I let him in. The thing is... I think he's not safe at home. Can he live here, with us?" I ask. He sighs.

"I suppose... Where will he sleep?" He asks. I shrug.

"I'll talk to him about it." I say. My brother shrugs.

"There's no reason why not." My brother agrees. I smile.

"Cool. I'll go talk to him."

Back in my room, the boy is sitting awkwardly on the edge of my bed. I sit next to him.

"Y'know, if you want, you can stay here, no questions asked." I say, smiling kindly.

"No questions? There's always questions asked." He murmurs, pouting. I shake my head.

"No questions." I promise. He sighs.

"I'll stay. But I know you have questions." Mitsuba pouts again. I sigh.

"I have questions. But I also have a filter." I sigh. "Nevermind. I'll just set up the spare bed."

I stand up from the bed, and go to the hall cupboard. I don't realize Teru-nii had walked into my room until I hear Mitsuba squeal.

Dropping the blankets, I raced off to see what was happening. I notice Teru holding Mitsuba's arm. The boy's eyes are wide, and he is batting my brother with a sleeve. Teru-nii is holding his sword.

"Teru-nii! Let Mitsuba go!" I yell. My brother looks at me. He stares at me. I wrench his arm off the smaller boy, and wrap my arms around him.

"Kou... He's an apparation." Teru-nii states. I glare at him.

"He's able to feel too. We can't just kill him. I said I'd help him, and I'm not going back on my word." I say. My brother sighs.

"You're too persistent when it comes to your word, Kou." He shakes his head. "Fine."

I watch him walking out of my room. Mitsuba pushes me off him.

"Get off me, perv! You should have told me about your brother!" He is crying, and is clearly weak. I know he doesn't want me here.

"I'll go set up your bed." I say, leaving the room. I pick up the sheets, and walk to the spare room.

Mitsuba is leaning in the doorway when I finish. I turn to him, and smile.

"There's a lock on the door, if you need it." I walk out, and the door closes behind me. I hear a click of a lock.

Word count: 932

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2020 ⏰

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