22-Bottle up

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Karina was looking for Nuada.
She checked everywhere, but couldn't find him.
She was now headed towards the training room, and to her relief she found him.

"Nuada!" She yelled. The male turned around to see her happily waving at him, and making her way towards him.

For some odd reason, he didn't wave back at her, he didn't even seem to acknowledge her as she came in.

"That's odd. What's wrong with him?". She thought.

The prince continued training and Karina was now close to him, but she still kept some distance so that he could still move freely without accidentally hitting her.

"Ehm..hey there."


And then silence.

"So, how are you feeling now that you're no longer in that dreadful prison?". She asked jokingly. One may think he might take it to offence, but by now, they both didn't mind any form of teasing. But apparently didn't seem to be the case anymore...



"..Well, I guess I'll let you train now, I see you're busy. See ya later!" She said, giving her usual signature smile and walking off.

He never replied.

And that was how the week passed by.

Nuada would talk to his sister, Liz and even try to converse with HB. He still didn't talk to Abe and neither did the other male even try to gain his friendship.

During breakfast or dinner, sometimes even lunch, the male wouldn't even spare a glance, let alone sit next to Karina. The female was extremely hurt by this, but kept on telling herself that it was nothing, and that he had to bond with the others too.
She would act like she didn't mind, and when Liz and Nuala gave her knowing glances, she would simply tell them that she was fine. The two were a bit skeptical at first, but Karina reassured them.

Although it was when the male didn't even talk to her, that she began to have second thoughts. And by the end of said week, on a Sunday afternoon, she saw the male entering the dining room.

As they all sat to eat, she tried to converse with him once again, and asked him to pass things such as salt or pepper. He would purposely place it next to her, so that they didn't have to make physical contact.

She still kept quiet.

That evening she had about quite enough of his nonesense. This time, he had not only sat away from her, not only had he refused to make eye contact with her, not only did he not talk to her, but now he was purposely ignoring her.

"Oh...Oh THAT DOES IT!!". She thought withing herself, before she got up so quickly, her chair fell harshly to the ground, her powers erupting, degrees decreasing at a rapid state withing the room, and her eyes glowing dangerously as she stared at the elfen male with pure rage.

"Alright! That's it! What's your problem huh?! What did I do to you that you have to treat me so shabbily?! If I did something wrong, tell me! I would have apologized immediately,  but no! You just thought it would be better if you ignore me completely! Who do you even think you are just because you're a prince?!"

The entire room fell silent, everyone was in utter shock. Nuada included. He wasn't expecting her to react this way.
But he quickly composed himself and continued eating as if nothing happened.

"Why do I need to talk to you just because you brought me out of my prison ? I am not compelled to talk to you. My world doesn't focus solely on you. I have other matters to take care of."

"Oh? Oh that so?! Well your 'majesty' " The female said with a bittersweet tone before letting her anger take over her voice once more. "I never said that you are bound to me. But you could even reply to me when I speak to you!"

"And what if I don't want to speak to you?"

By this point the other members of the room were just watching the two bicker. Not knowing how to calm the situation.

"Well if you're having a bad day,  you might as well tell me politely that you're not in the mood of talking. But apparently you just dont ever seem to be in the mood to talk to me anymore!"

"Perhaps because now I find your company irritating then?!". Nuada stood up as well, now facing Karina with his own pent up rage.

"And what may I have done to make you feel irritated all of a sudden?!". The female retorted.

"Perhaps your nonestop blabbering! You never leave me alone! I am no child who must be controlled or taken care of.  I am most certainly not your dog, and I repeat, just because you made me a simple favour does not mean I must grovel at your feet!"

He replied, venom dripping from every word as he spoke with so much arrogance. His words startled Karina.

"I am not saying that I want-". But she was cut off from her speech. She was losing her confidence.  She never knew his words would hurt her so much. And she was slowly breaking.

"I can't even phantom why I even dealt with you in the first place."

Oh she heard it. The cracking of her heart.

"Be grateful I am even being polite enough to not pierce you with my spear when you come around, lowly human."

She felt the disgust. She could feel it clawing at her heart. She could feel shame loom over her from behind, as it grasped unto her shoulders, piercing its rotting claws into her fair skin.

She felt, and heard the tear that ran down her face, dropping onto the table, disappearing into the table clothe...

She who had a heart (Under Editting)Where stories live. Discover now