Part III.

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It was still barely halfway through the morning when the top engineering student Thanthep King completed his entire paper, and their female professor stood right by his side the entire time. Of course, the person who suffered most wasn't Boss, after all the position professor stood in was with King to Tee's left, and Boss to his right.

Under normal circumstances, Tee would be more than happy to sit beside King, the top student, but this was during an early month quiz! His knowledge on calculus was no stronger than anyone else, and couldn't even copy from someone else no matter how much he wanted to. As such, his entire face was as bitter as gourd, and he had bitten the pen in his hand so many times that bite marks were left on it.

"Teacher, I've finished my paper. Can I hand it in in advance?" King struck the paper in his hands, taking a smooth deep breath as he relaxed back into his seat. He did not know the result whether or not he had to clean the toilet, but he had a great time answering the paper, writing as he felt, whatever he thought… Being able to do so, was indeed a soothing feeling.

"Of course." The professor take King's paper worksheet with a genuine smile and walked around the class.

Some students who is still answering or probably having trouble answering the quiz are all looking at - at King in awed.

King did not mind them and just wait for everyone else. He was used to this already and as so was his friends beside him.

On the other hand, beside King on his left side, Bohn had fallen into a deep sleep. Although this rascal might be getting stronger at being sneaky and cunning, he had an unbelievably strange optimism and carefree-ness about him. Such a person naturally could get great sleep at any time, any place. Luckily, he did not have a snoring problem, or drooling when he slept.

As the class finally ended with a ear-splitting shrill of the school bell ringing, the students of the commoner class one felt as if their heads were spinning after the entire morning of being tested. That test was just so long, and besides the students who just wrote whatever they wanted celebrated, there were few other students who actually managed to finish everything, and most of their faces were rather blank.

"Everyone, done or undone, pass the paper in front." Boss walked over to Bohn's table and called out to him. Bohn was still sleeping soundly, and even that loud bell had not awoken him.

Mek, who was sitting on the other side, said rather jealously, "Ai'Bohn is indeed different from us all! He can even fall asleep so soundly during an examination."

"The word 'different' is very accurate man. He did not even left an answer to his paper! Sick!" Tee laughed loudly as he take Bohn's paper from its desk and passed it in front together with their papers.

Everyone exchange glances before scoffing unbotheredly.

Tee shouted out exasperatedly, "Ai'Bohn time to eat! Duen is here man."

"Ah?! Duen? Where??" Bohn's eyes snapped open when he felt a poke in his ribs and looked up to find the classroom nearly empty. His eyes were still blurry as he looked around for his boyfriend, causing some of the nearby students who had heard to giggle away.

He hadn't heard the bell for the end of class. Hadn't noticed the other students get up and walk out. Only his fellow friends remained, and their class professor sitting at her desk, marking their quizzes, pretending not to notice them.

"Look at you sleeping away, Duen is not here, I'm just messing with you. Come on let's go, it's time for lunch. Did you exhaust yourself thinking how to passed the quiz last night? We should go back to rest early after school today." Tee jokingly said.

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