𝗦𝗜𝗟𝗟𝗬 𝗧𝗛𝗜𝗡𝗚𝗦 ! 𝗍. 𝖿𝗎𝗆𝗂𝗄𝖺𝗀𝖾

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𝗿𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁 @aoki_reyes

感嘆" 𝚊𝚍𝚖𝚒𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 "▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄

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" 𝚊𝚍𝚖𝚒𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 "

❝ requited feels ❞




that's what you did when you felt your hand rotate at an angle it shouldn't be able to swivel at. A cracking sound was heard, which made you groan in pain. Yet that didn't stop you from running to the people under the rumbles of hard stone.

Unnoticed by you, a birdie or should I say two birdies were wandering their eyes at your hand, with concern.

Ah yes Tokoyami has had his eyes on you ever since you accidentally stumbled in the 1A classroom.

You, a 1B student, was in a rush for your first day. Running, you pushed the door only for you to crash upon faces you were not familiar with, and a man in a sleeping bag.


Thinking you were in the right place, you introduced yourself with your cheerful and sweet friendly aura. Later finding out that, that was not your right classroom.

God, did you feel so embarrassed after that.

Going back to the exam, after helping some of the "citizens", the next challenge was starting.

[i don't remember much from the license exam, so bare with me here.]

One thing people knew very well about you is that, sure you may have this blithe and jocund personality, but when you're serious you turn into a intimidating and uncompromising person.

So at the exam you were utterly determined to pass and when I say determined I mean it.

time skip! 

You meet a lot of new people everyday. Some people whom come to praise you and to show their unequivocal adoration to you and your powers. Others whom come to greet you and express how much you've caught their attention and some who come to tell you about the small feelings they have for you.

In conclusion, you tend to not be able to remember every face and name. To the point where you don't even have the thought of crushes and romance.

As you were drying off from the arrant tiredness you felt from the hero license exam. You felt something or rather someone crawling up on your left shoulder. Turning swiftly in an unmitigated speed, coming face to face with a figure like ghost that had two glowing eyes.

Eyes as wide as plates, the unrecognisable figure vanished backwards to someone.

"I must apologise for Dark Shadow's inconvenience towards you." Said a person who you know familiarised yourself to be Fumikage Tokoyami, a student from the infamous Class 1-A.

Yes Fumikage tokoyami, also known in your head as your idol. I mean he's Hawks's successor, has an amazing quirk and a bonus to that just overall really cute.

Still flabbergasted by the event that just went down, "Oh no..don't worry about it! You're Tokoyami right?" You asked even though you were positive it was him.

Not expecting you to know him off the bat. After a small pause, he replied, "Yes indeed I am. I just wanted to come over and say that you fight with consummate strength....sorry if I sound like a creep at the moment."

You smiled a smile that could brighten a whole decade, "No no no..it's completely fine. In fact thank you, it means a lot to hear you, an amazing hero yourself, say that. After all, I see you as inspiration."

And god if he didn't have a crush on you already, he probably would've had a crush on you now. Nevermore, his feelings for you proliferated and grew right when you said that.

A blush dusking the feathers under his eyes, "Oh..thank you very much for your words."

You don't know how you saw it, but you swore you saw a smile on his beak.

"You know I really like your chocker. Where did you get it from?" You asked with a grin sputtered on your adorable face, trying to actually befriend him.

Looking down, as if he would be able to see his chocker, "Thanks, I got it from hot topic."

"Oh really?! I like that place a lot!" You exclaimed with glistening enthralling eyes.

"Yeah I enjoy it as well."

"Do you...maybe want me and you to go there together?" You softly asked while glancing between your worn out shoes and his face. C'mon you thought you were as smooth as softened butter.

"You mean like going to hot topic?" He questioned, astonished by what you just uttered.

Nodding your head ever so slightly, "Yeah....of course that is if you want to!"

With a chuckle and all the power invested in him to make sure Dark Shadow doesn't get out, he says, "Of course I don't really mind."

"Cool! So see you Sunday, in the mall at 7?" asking with confidence now sparking in you.

"Yeah that's good, meet you there." He said while giving you a smile and a small wave of his hand.

"Yeah meet you there." with a dazed off look on your face, you waved back.

and that's how both of you went home and didn't stop thinking about each other ever since the hero licence exam.


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