He realizes he likes you

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Minho watches you from afar,a smile set on his lips as he watched you and Chuck throw nuts at each other,grinning from ear to ear.You noticed Minho staring at you and insecurely tucked a piece of hair behind your ear.Minho smirked at your reaction and you rolled your eyes at return.You gave him one of those blinding smiles and Minho felt his heart flutter for a moment.Minho realized,in that very moment,he was screwed.He was helplessly fond of you.

You plopped down beside Newt and sighed frustratedly.Thomas,who was sitting across you,bursted into laughter and earned a glare from you.
"What's wrong,(N/Y)?"Newt's concerned voice made you smile and you shrugged,forgetting your busy day with Clint."Nothing,Newt.Just med-jacks stuff."Newt shook his head playfully and ruffled your hair,earning a chuckle from you.Thomas and Minho starts making kissy faces at each other and you started to blush uncontrollably.Newt grinned at your reaction and reached over to your hand under the table,stroking it with his thumb.Smiling to himself,Newt realized he really,really like you.

"(Y/N)!"You whipped your head around when you heard Minho's worried voice.You looked to his right and saw Thomas kneeling on the ground,panting heavily after running in the maze.You ran towards him and grabbed the water bottle Minho handed you,nodding towards Thomas.You kneeled beside Thomas and handed him the water bottle.It slipped from his hand and rolled to your left.You reached to pick it up,but Thomas did the same.Your hands touch for a second and you felt the surge of electricity coursing through your veins.Embarrassed,you laughed nervously and muttered an apology.
Thomas watched you blush and suddenly felt a whole lot better.He decided with you here,the Glade wouldn't be so bad after all.

AN:Hello y'all!Hope you enjoyed this one and I will take as many requests as I can!If you have any special details you want me to add,pls tell me in the requests!See ya next time!

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