Luna pov

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" Take a rest you need the sleep, " says Cylena. 2:37," no no noooooooooo, you can die I never got to tell you how much I loved you. Don't die on me Shane !" "Wake up wake up what's happening to you I don't want you to get hurt wake up you wake up you." Cried Sam. " Get away from me get away from me help him help!" Luna screams in her sleep while she works of a fever. "Cylena wear are you I need your help I think she's getting sick."Cylena screams, " the bullet is infecting her we need to give her medicine soon or shall die." Just then Luna wakes up and asks where is he as she runs to the bathroom and screams then falls un contuse.

SAMs pov
Selena she she she she she's unconscious. Just the Selena puts a needle In her leg and yells bring her and lay her down.Carry her to the bed and lie down I put my hands over her heart and something starts to glow, Cylena. Yells run. Luna Luna screems hhhhhelp Jesus. Crist !

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