Take Chances-Barley x Male!Reader

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HEADCANON:Barley is bisexual and Ian is bicurious,I'm sry but you can leave if your uncomfortable.

AUTHORS NOTE:I understand that the coming out happens fast,it's because Barley was too nervous and blurted it out in a time that could've been better.

AUTHORS NOTE 2,THERES ALOT TO SAY:Im a bisexual who's writing this based on experience of being in love with your best friend of the same sex.This truly comes from my heart,you matter.

You laughed as Barley finished the story,glancing over at you and smiling.He was your best friend since middle school,where you two first met during lunch on the first day of 7th grade-Literally.

You threw another cheese puff into your mouth and threw one to Barley,who caught it into his mouth.Barley ate and then asked,"Hey,can I tell you something abit..Odd?"

"Oh yeah sure!",You said.You always liked when Barley asked questions like this because it would lead to crazy stories.

"I'm a bisexual.",Barley said,completely serious with you.You just thought for a moment."And since your a gay guy I thought maybe I could tell you- Oh are you Biphobic?Oh no"

"No,I'm not,that was just alot to handle.",You said,going to hug him in a warm embrace.

"You're rambling buddy,deep breaths,calm down."

"Calm down,got it.",Barley sighed.He would never tell this to you out of fear you would reject him,but you were the reason.

He had been in love with you since freshman year of high school,Which made it hard to not want to confess because it ached at him for all those years.It just was a voice in the back of his head yelling at him about how he was too scared to ask you out,How he could've done it before and maybe it would be like a fairytale.Where you were the prince and he was the knight.

He sighed as he thought about it and you pulled away,"Something wrong,Bar?"

"No,no,I'm fine.Just calming down.Come along now,brave prince,we must be on our way!",He started the car back up again and backed out of Swamp Gas and went to the highway.You smiled,"So I'm a prince?Who would my brave knight be?"

He wasn't visibly,but he was internally nervous when you asked that,"Whoever your heart desires!And whoever you do choose,I'll choose to respect because he makes you happy.",He said the last part in his normal voice.

"Aww,that's sweet Bar.",You smiled.You wouldn't have realised now,but you were going to soon realize who you're knight was.

You thought about it-How did you not suspect that he was Bi sooner?This could've definitely gone over smoother if you had paid attention to the one time he flirted with that Barista who was a cute guy,or the time a male classmate of his in senior year was holding his hand and talking to him in the hallway-It was weird that you felt jealous that day,you didn't know he was an actual bisexual,that didn't matter.What mattered was that you were jealous because you wanted to be the guy holding his hand,the one talking to him at the coffee shop.You felt butterflies when around him and your heart wanted to explode everytime he picked you up,or hugged you.

Then it came to you-You love him.You love this man!You want to kiss him everytime you see him!You loved Barley Lightfoot!It all made so much sense now!

"You okay?you're zoning out",Barley said,causing you to look over at him and just smile,"I'm great."

"Kay,if anything is wrong,let me know,all right ___?",Barley said,smiling at you back.

"All right"

The drive to the Lightfoot residence was silent,but a good kind of silent.There was no frustration or anger lingering,it was just a silent bliss waving over.

You got there and Barley sighed,fiddling his thumbs."H-Hey,___,can I talk to you?"

"Of course!What about?"

"I-um..I can't even believe I'm telling you this now,gimme a minute I'm hyperventilating,wait,sorry-"

"Its okay!Take you time!",You responded,smiling at him and holding his hands.He sighed and just kissed you,pulling you into a warm embrace and placing his lips onto yours.

You thought for a moment,but right now,you knew you had always wanted this,This moment to happen.You kissed back and smiled.He pulled away,"Thou you're the one my heart desires,am I the one that taketh your breath away,young prince?"

"Yes,yes you are noble knight."


You just kissed him again.

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