my dad my everything

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"Anne!" my dad called me from the kitchen . "Anne!" He called again .

"I will be down in a second " I answered with tiredness in my voice as I pushed all my pillows from my head and got of my bed , I stretched and went to my bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth . Before heading down .

"Good morning , professor Hart " I said to my dad as I sat down on the kitchen Stoll.  ( Yeah that's what I call my dad cause we are both scientist and sometimes we use formal language to each other , you are a bit curious right , my dad is a scientist and raised me to be one cause I was kinda gifted like him , I have an identific memory I never forget a thing in my life.  My mom left us when I was five because she said my dad was too selfish , well she's kinda right cause he wants everything to go his way and tell everyone what to do . You may find it hard to believe but he still pick out my outfits , tell me what do eat , wear and he decided that we are going to be vegetarians except on thanks given cause we have to go to my grandma's . My dad was over protective , I never had any friends cause I was always indoors so he was my best friend and only friend my cousins didn't really like me and all because they thought I was weird and cause I talk differently . Well I never really like making friends and all I love that my dad make all my decisions for me cause if it's not science or maths it's kinda hard to be choosing silly stuff . I love my dad cause he was always there for me)  .

"Dr Hart " my dad snapped my out of my thoughts

"Uhhmm mmm "

" Your food will get cold " he said pointing at my untouched food .

"Thanks " I said as I put a spoon full of oath in my mouth .

Since I was home schooled my dad was my everything , my teacher , dad , mom , best friend . I got my pHD when I was 13 in physics and now am turning 15 really soon , I work from home as my dad assistant even though it's not actually work is like helping him and I enjoyed it  . I love how we lived just the two of us no noice and our house was always clean sometimes my room was a bit messy even though we always work we have watched every movie and series , we love watching them my dad sometimes call me repunzil cause of my long blonde hair and blue eyes blue eyes  . My dad never knew how to trim my hair and we wasn't comfortable with the hair salon so we always just flattened it , it touches my hips that's why I always put it in a bon.

" Don't worry I will do the dishes " I assured my dad as he seems tired .

"Dad is everything okay ? " I asked putting all the dishes in the sink .

"Yeah , why ?"

"Well you look a bit worried "

"Yeah , Anne . I have to travel to a conference in UK and that might take some days and I can't just leave you alone" .

"Ohh dad" . I said with a sign of relief it wasn't something big .

"Am almost 15 am a big girl I can handle my self for some days "

"Common " I added .

" I don't know , am thinking of sending you to your grandma "

"Dad , no! , No  way ! "
" Uncle Ben's kids live there now "
You know we don't get along well " I said with anger in my voice

"It's just for a few days , you can just ignore them a read your books " .

" I will buy you new Harry Potter book to add to your collection and a new Mac book " he said raising one of his eyebrows Hoping I will accept the bribe .

" Fine , but better come back soon " I signed

" I will , I promise " he said giving me a big hug .

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