Question 39

60 2 36

Lexivia: Hai guys!

Uni: 0-0

Smg4: Wtf...?


Lexivia: ;-;

Meggy: Wait... Lexi, is that Nivixia you fused with?

Lexi: Ye

Indigo: Intresting....

Crimson: *thumbs up*

Tari: I think you look cool! :D

Smg4: I'm not sure if I approve of this...

Lexivia: Oh screw you! *flips off*

Smg4: D:

Smg3: Hey! That was uncalled for, young... also old lady!

Lexivia: Oh wow. Wow wow wow. Bitch I ain't your child. And you should at least fuck Smg4 before you start doing that shit. .-.

Smg3: ... Okay. Smg4 come here plz.

Smg4: W-Wait! H-Huh!? No I wanna keep my virginity! 0//0"

Mario: Wait, Smg4 you're a VIRGIN!?

Saiko: Pfffft-

Smg4: Oh shut up! You're all virgins too!

Meggy: Ah... So you don't know... Oh well! *walks away*

Tari: Oh! Wait for me!!

Saiko: Eh. Might as well follow.

Mario: Yeah. I might catch Smg4's virgin virus.

Smg4: ... W T F ! ?

Smg3: Don't worry, 4! I am also a virgin! :D

Smg4: Then perish.

Smg3: D;>

Lexivia: XD

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