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Pandorra was stuck in a tight situation. She can't call for someone right now.

Her eyes, widened, locked onto Paris who was staring at Pandorra's despair.

"Are you going to do it or not?"

"Shut the fuck up, you monster."

"I read on your files, you wish to study me? How I kill? No. I won't be giving you answers."

"Don't be too confident. You had a headstart. Where is Silver?"

"I'm not giving you anything," Percy grabbed her neck. "are you going to do it or not?"

"I'm not doing shit!" Percy let go of her. She was confused. He gave up easily.

"Alright, 10 minutes. West Hill. See your siblings dead." Percy made his way out of the crowd quickly.

The air was suffocating her. She can't move her body. Percy knew from that profile she has something in her heart. And this, the fear he gave Pandorra, it made her collapse.

Richard rushed to her and the mayor saw her collapse, it made him stop and stare at her helpless body. He looked at Swordtail, who shrugged and was also confused.

The people were also puzzled. Why did the mayor stop talking in the middle of his address?

"Don't think about me. M-My siblings, West Hill. 10 minutes or less, Percy will be there." Richard was confused. "H-He was here Richard."

"Help!" Richard called in desperation. His police officers quickly assisted Pandorra to the car and brought her to the hospital. While Richard, he's going to catch that son of a bitch.

"Everybody leave! He is here!" The mayor exclaimed.

At this point they have regarded Percy as a pure monster. An animal that not even the police can suppress. The crowd quickly went shambles. They were screaming, as if the killer is behind them.

The barricade was torn down. Their desperation to stay alive overpowered the police. There was no peace present, it was a big mess.

Wilbur's action was a wrong and dumb move. It caused a panic. The next thing Wilbur saw in his righteous eyes was a stampede. Screams and footsteps raging like thunder on their way out of the city hall grounds. He was scared, he was nervous. He made a terrible mistake.

He ran inside the city hall with his guards.

And Paris, she was consumed by guilt. She can't move even if she wants to. She was shaking.

"If only I had told someone about him, this wouldn't have happened." She said under her breath.

As the chaos ensued, Swordtail grabbed her arm and pulled her inside the city hall.

She wasn't blinking. Her heart is pumping. "This is all my fault," she fainted.

Percy have now become fear himself.

Richard arrived at West Hill Banks and he saw a man. His back facing him. Leaf stepped on a pool of blood, and the employees, all piled up on the side like trash.

He was grunting, he can hear him.

Richard drew his gun. "Turn around Percy." Jut in time, the FBI arrived. High caliber weapons, impenetrable armor. "You're cornered now."

He turned around slowly. In his right hand is a head. Richard knew who that woman is. "Penelope."

"Where are her other siblings?!"

"Asleep." He answered. Richard was intimidated by his appearance. A black suit and charcoal shoes, his pitch black mask with just a mirror covering it.

"Take one step and we will fire!" Richard yelled. He was too late. Within ten minutes, Percy had already killed most of the personnel inside the bank. And he specified Pandorra's siblings. All life and headless.

"How does power feel?" Percy asked. "Scary isn't it? How much long are you going to suck the mayor's dick?"

Richard was furious. He was fuming. And he pulled the trigger. He knew he could not hit Percy. He knew that. But he could not control his anger anymore.

Percy jumped at him, "Come on! Shoot me!" Percy chuckled. He had already taken Richard as hostage.

"Fire your guns now." Percy threw Richard to them, creating a distraction.

The FBI forces were no match with his strength. Pure brute force, he swatted away an SMG and sprayed it towards them.

He was laughing, but he wasn't satisfied. As they took cover, Percy gripped onto a large piece of shattered glass and used it as a weapon.

As they hid inside the bank, Percy prowled and pounded them. He noticed the only open spot in their heavily armored FBI suit is the face area. He went for it and stabbed them in the face repeatedly.

More and more came but blood still continued to gush.

On the other hand, Richard was unable to move. He can't feel his legs anymore.

"I must have broken my spine," He grunted. He was running out of breath. This must be my end, he thought.

He moved his head and watched Percy just slam everyone to the ground. The loud thuds of their head banging on the floor, it was something he had never seen on Percy before.

Richard looked into his eyes, rage. He saw rage. He was smiling and laughing hard. He had lost his sanity. It was his first time snapping out of his mind.

The FBI were brutally murdered by a monster. Nothing could stop him. Percy took a few bullet hits but he isn't feeling anything. The adrenaline rushing through his veins, the sweat that dripped down his face, he is the devil himself.

He took his mask off and walked towards Richard. He's about to torture him. The glass shards, he stuffed it into his mouth. "Eat it." He muttered.

Richard's mouth was bleeding. Percy stepped on his face. His teeth are now broken, spines of glass now phasing through his skin.

And the last thing Percy did was run a sharp piece of glass into his chest down to his stomach.

Richard died a painful death. No–he fell asleep painfully.

Death. Is Just Forever Sleep. [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now