The date

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Birds chirping woke Lance up, he didn't need his forest noises last night because of how happy he was when he went to bed. Still feeling that surge of happiness in his chest, he springs out of bed and goes downstairs to make some breakfast.
He makes some toast and grabs a banana while it gets toasty.

After eating he went back to his room to get dressed.
"What should I wear? A date right after school, man what am I supposed to do?" He talks to himself as he digs in his closet.
He pulls out a baby blue t shirt, a black vest, and black slacks.
"This looks good, casual." He checks himself out in his full length mirror. "Not too fancy, but more than what I usually wear."

Once he was all finished he grabs his bag and goes to school.
"Hey Lance." Hunk called.

"Hey buddy, what's up?"

"You know same thing every day. What are you all dressed up for?"

"I have a date after school."

"Did I hear you have a date?" Pidge yells as she seemingly came out of nowhere, making Lance and Hunk jump.

"Pidge you little ninja. And yes I have a date."

"Ooh with Keith?" She wiggles her eyebrows.

"Well duh he is my boyfriend."

"Awe, you're so cute when you say boyfriend."

"Shut up you gremlin."

Travis was walking behind the trio and over heard them, he grit his teeth at the fact that Lance was dating Keith: the Red lion.

"Why is it now that I realize that I actually like him?" He smacks his head, feeling embarrassed for some reason, he shakes his head to forget about it and went to class.

Finally the end of the day, Lance was beaming with excitement, and nervousness. He had no idea what to do on a date, or what they were even doing.
A movie? Dinner? Both? Bowling? A picnic? So many thoughts in Lance's brain but they were lost when he absentmindedly knocked into someone.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention." He held his head and bowed to them, when he heard the chuckle he knew who it was.
He looks up and sees Travis.
"W-What?" He asked, curious as to why he hasn't said anything.

"I see you've blossomed." Travis finally spoke.

"What does that mean?"

"Your attitude, and style has changed. Was it because of someone?"

"That's, none of your business. Please move." Lance looked right at him as he said this, not scared at all, because Keith was just a few yards away in his car.
He pushed pass him and made his way to his boyfriends car.

Keith got out of the car to greet Lance with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. He looks over his shoulder as he hugs him and glares at Travis, who was still watching them. He flinched and walked away making Keith smirk.
"You ready for our date?"

"Yeah. Am I dressed well enough for it?"
Keith looked him up and down smiling at how cute he looked in blue.
"Very handsome, I like you in blue it matches your eyes." He caresses his cheek emphasizing his admiration.

They drive down town, Lance sees all the shops and places that looked like the perfect spot to have a date but they drive by them.
"Where are we going?" Lance looks over at him with big eyes.

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