Our Babe 11-Relapse

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Together With Me Mpreg Snippet

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Bright x Farm Angst


Farm begins to stir from his nap and yawns.It's so easy for Farm to doze off nowadays. For him, no matter how many hours he slept recently, he still feels dull and stiff all over. His feet swollen and sore, his shoulders and back aches, heck, his entire body is protesting. The only reason why he is even tolerating all this is because of the squirming, living thing inside him. Seven and a half months. Farm smiles to himself. In just a few more weeks, he'll finally meet his new family member. His closest only family member at the moment. He strokes his stomach gently.

"You're smiling to yourself. Saw a nice dream?" Fluke comes back with a tray of breakfast. They are at a new café shop Fluke found them. He carefully loads two plates of big breakfast, a cup of warm milk for Farm and a cup of coffee himself. Farm adjusts himself up.

"You know, I'm not a kid, I really want some coffee to perk me up," Fluke shakes his head.

"No way, you doctor says no. It's not good for the baby. So, all you get until this little one is out of you, is milk. It's good for you,"

Fluke says as he pushes the cup of milk towards Farm.

"Khrub...you sound like my da-," Farm stops. Fluke immediately senses the freeze.

"Farm?" Fluke grabs Farm's right hand and gives it a squeeze of support.

"I'm here. I promise I will be you every step of the way," Farm looks up to Fluke gratefully and smiles.

"Thank you na, Fluke,"

"Farm, it's me who should be thanking you. We are family. Now let's eat. Then we can go and watch a movie maybe," Fluke hands Farm a fork and knife.

Farms suddenly feels hungry.


"Farm, are you ok?" Fai asks worriedly, trying to coax him to take a sip of water after he just woke up from his fainting spell but he refused. Yihwa signals P'Phu to leave them alone and closes the door.

"Farm, tell us what happened," Yihwa sits on the bed edge.

"Farm, you have to talk. If you aren't feeling too good, we have to send you to the hospital ok?"

Farm starts sobbing again.

"He doesn't want us,"

"Farm, what do you mean by us? Talk," Yihwa asks again and this time, in a more commanding tone.

Farm looks up to both his best friends and told them what happened.

Fai and Yihwa's blood start to boil.

"HE DID WHAT?" Fai shouts. Yihwa hushes her when Farm flinches.

"Fai, calm. Shouting is not going to help," Yihwa edges nearer and takes Farm's hand and squeezes in support. Fai stands up to pace around the room, mad.

"I'm so mad. How dare that asshole asked Farm to abort the baby. It's an innocent life! He is a doctor for freak's sake. What's wrong with him?" Fai fumes.

"He doesn't think this baby is his. Said after that foursome the other night, it could have been either of the two's. And, he said he isn't ready for this. I, I was just lost for words," Farm's tears start flowing again. Yihwa hug him this time, "he wouldn't even want to discuss this. He doesn't want anything to do with us,"

"That's it. I'm killing that bastard. I'm really going to kill him. How dare he...that bastard," Fai paces again and heads to the door but Yihwa calls her back on time.

"Where do you think you are going?" 

"To kill the bastard, I'm getting Korn and Knock,"

"Fai, calm down. This is not the time. Farm needs us here now. And we are not telling Knock and Korn anything now. They are in the middle of their finals," Yihwa warns. Fai stops her tracks and starts pacing around again.

"Then what do we do?" Fai asks impatiently.

"Nothing. Not tonight. Now, you and I, we stay with Farm. I'll help Farm to the shower to freshen up, he looks like a wreck. You, make him something to eat and then, we will sit through this together.

She diverts her attention to her friend again.

"Farm, we are here with you. We'll go through this, one second at a time, ok?"

All Farm could do now is nod.

He is not in this alone.

//End of Flashback//

"Oh hey, nice to meet you again Doctor Bright," Farm snaps out of his thoughts when he heard the name. He looks up and his heart skips another beat.

What is he doing here?

This is the second time Doctor Bright appears in front of him in the less than a week.

"Hello Fluke, nice meeting you again. Never expect to see you here this fast. Mind if I join you?" Bright asks smoothly with his usual smile. Farm stiffens but controls his expressions well. Bright smiles politely to Farm but he chooses to look away. Farm is curious as to how Fluke seems to not mind Bright's self-invitation to sit with them.


"Sure, join us," Fluke responds casually, "Farm, P'Bright? The doctor who picked up your prescription paper?" With that Bright takes his beside Fluke, right opposite of Farm. Farm did a weak wai which Bright returned. How Farm wishes he has the strength to just stand up and walk away. His legs are like jelly and weak. He feels Bright's eyes on him from time to time. Farm tries not to fidget too much.

"I'm surprised to see you here. I only told you about this place two days before," Fluke comments.

Two days before? How did they meet again? Farm couldn't stop thinking but all the while, says nothing and keeps drinking his cup of milk, not realizing he made a milk goatee. Fluke see this, chuckles and brought his thumb to wipes it away. Bright could only watch and do nothing about it.

"Yes, I can be quite a foodie. It's my day off so I thought I should come check this place out. It's a lovely place to bring your pregnant spouse isn't it?" Bright asks smoothly.

Farm feels blood drain from his face. Instinctively he places his hands around his stomach again.

"Haha, spouse? Do we look like a married couple?" Fluke asks in a teasing tone. Bright flashes his charming smile again, hoping to bait him.

Farm knows only too well this is Bright casting off his charms to bait his prey. He doesn't want to stay there any longer to witness anything. It's much too painful. He decides to cut in before Fluke can say anything else.

"Fluke...I, I don't feel too good, I wanna go home," Farm cuts in effectively before Fluke could reply, breaking Bright and Fluke's interaction.

"Farm...you ok?" Fluke's attention immediately switches back to Farm. Bright notices how pale Farm is right now and gets worry.

Perhaps because Farm stands up too abruptly, in his attempt to leave the place quickly, he feels wobbly. His vision starts to spin.

The last thing he hears is Bright and Fluke shouting his name before his world switches to darkness.

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Author: I'll get this done. 

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