Part 7:Family

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I got ready with a dress if my choice from the wardrobe that was mine.

I got ready with a dress if my choice from the wardrobe that was mine

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Then i did my hair.I didn't put any makeup since its not my type

Then I heard D.O oppa calling me (as they are my brother so i started calling them oppa,i cant find anything else since they all are elder then me)
So i went out and saw everyone already ready.

Damn,i have to say they  are are looking awsome!

Then Xiumin oppa told us to get into the cars and the I felt someone holding my hand and it was Kris Oppa.

"Let's go" He said and pulled me with him.Everyone was looking happy.

We get into a Van

We get into a Van

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God Damn!

It was a total 11 seater car including the two front seats.

I seated between Kris and Chanyeol o_o shi*!He is my bias from EXO!No no no no Farin,They all are now your brothers!-_-

Lay and Luhan oppa got into the front seats and started driving.

"Have you guys got everything? "
"Yeah" Everyone said in unison except me.My mind was somewhere else-_-

The whole ride was full of chaos.Oh God!They are too loud.Specially,Baekhyun,Chanyeol.Sehun,Kai,Kris and Suho oppa was also but not like them.Me,D.O,Luhan,Xiumin oppa just laughed at their stupidities And Lay oppa only focused on the road and told them to be quite for sometime

But they are not that people who would listen to other XD.

After about 3 hours of riding, We reached there.I woke up when Chanyeol was shaking me and everyone was getting down. I didn't notice when I fall asleep on Yeol oppa's shoulder.

I also got down.Oh My Holly Jesus °0°

Oh My Holly Jesus °0°

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