Part 2-Shocking day!

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y/n POV:

I slowly opens my eyes,"well,the dream was nice.At least I have opened my wishes of my heart but I just hope that would come true".Suddenly I realized something that the ceiling was unfamiliar. I jumped from the bed and saw that I was not in my own room. It was another room and its quite nice.I was sitting in bed totally shocked. There were 2 more beds in that room.I kept thinking what is happening!!!

I was about get up but suddenly the door opens revealing....Kim Junmeyoooonnnnnnnn aka Suho!!!!!!!!!!!I was like totally dead.I even could not move I was like a statue.I just stared at him."you r wake already?"He said but I didn't notice "Ya!Are you okey?"He said while checking my forehead "Y/n!"I finally came into the real world "y-yeah?""Are you okey?It looks like u got a nightmare"I didn't know what to say "Ah y-y-yeah actually"I said "Looks like it wass horrible one!Forget it and get ready for school"He said while laughing a bit.

He then moved to the Next bed and shout "Kai wake up!"When I was about the get upp I got froze again!What!Kai means Kim Jongin!You gotta be kidding me!!What the hell is happening!I thought it all was a dream again. So I pinched myself and I shouted."What happened?"Kai said"Did u saw such a horrible dream?"Suho said a bit confused.I was quiet for a while then I said "A mosquito bites me!""ok now go and get ready"Suho said pointing to the washroom "ok"

If that is Kai then who would it be in the other bed?My curiosity grows.I tried to look at the other bed.I looked at it and it was Oh! Sehun!!!!!What!I was more shocked!But suddenly a voice spoke up,"Quickly come from the washroom I need to go next you!"Kai said "Ok I m going!"then I ran to the washroom

In the washroom:

What the hell in happening!I started to run my hand over my hair!I was so much confused!My dreams are coming true!Then the dream I saw tonight was real!The angle was real!Omg.Then I decided to get ready.

I come out of the washroom.Sehun was already awake. Yawning at the bed.I looked at him "Didn't you saw me before or I am too beautiful?"He said half sleepy.I got embarrassed . "No.Nothing"Then I moved to the wardrobe and took my dresses.

After getting ready I got out of the room and I was about to die then!Xiumin,Chanyeol,Baekhyun,Suho,Kai,Sehun,Kris,Luhan,D.O,Lay the whole EXO squad was there!I was totally quiet.They noticed it."Are you okey?Why are you so quiet?"D.O asked me.I look at him nervously!"Yes I m okey""She saw a bad dream today that's why she is scared cat"Suho said while laughing.All the others started to laugh

"What did you saw?"Baek asked me.I didn't know what I saw.It was not a nightmare at all,It was the best dream of my whole life.But I have to say something too them."It was a ghost dreamm.I saw Annabell came towards me and killed me..and it felt real."I smiled weakly."Just forget it.Dream are dreamss.They never come true."Kris said while taking a glass of water.Lol.But it came true."Everyone come for breakfast.".Xiumin called everyone.

After taking my breakfast I went out of our house.The building was also different . I thought I m in Seoul. But when I.get out of the Building I saw everything else was same. Same Area.Same other houses
Only our building was different.I quickly went to school.I thought if EXO r my brothers.Then BTS and others r my frnds.Wait,How would they look in my school uniform!A voice called me from the behind.I looked back and it was one of my close but not best friend Juthi.I came towards me running."Wassup?""Everything good.What about u?"I said."I m also good as always"She said while laughing.

We went to our own classes.I sit in a seat.I was still shocked. Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder.And it was my bessstt ever frnd Papiya.She smiled and I Also smiled at her.She said "you r looking quite different. What happened.?""Nothing! I saw Annabelll in my dream"We both laughed.

And whole day passed by.I waited eagerly too see something else different too.But I didn't saw anythung else.Old people,Old teachers.I asked Pappu (Papiya)"you know BTS""Nope!Who are they?"She said while eating her launch.I got shocked.She was also a big fan of them.Then I cleared my throat and again asked"What about EXO,MonstaX,Got7""Where did u get those name??By the way the names r cool".Then I realized everything.But I was even confused that when will I met them??Maybe they will transfar to our school

a/n:this story willl be quite long
and it is also connected to my real life a bit!Ok comment a funny joke guys.I m bored!

My Dream life is true now!(EXO,BTS,MonstaX,Got7,TXT ff)Where stories live. Discover now