Chapter 5: I HATE YOU!

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Louis POV.

"Hi mom" I said into the phone, and could immediately noticed my mood fall .. "Hi, honey. What then?" she asked, sounding a little worried. "I was wondering if I could come home a few days, along with Libby?" I walked out of the room, down the hall and into the bedroom. "Ofcause! What about Eleanor? .." Mom asked a little scared, I could hear. "You aren't in trouble, right ?!" she continued. "No, not as such .. Not as a couple. But mom .. I .." my voice cracked and the first tears fell. "Louis!" Exclaimed my mother, - "what's going on?"

I took a deep breath and continued. "Mom! Eleanor is ruined !! it's my fault! They send hate .. Also Libby .. She asks all the time "Dad why is mom so sad?" Or "Dad why is mom crying " or "Dad, where is mom going after dinner? "and I do not know! Libby is crying because Eleanor is so sad and I have no idea what I'm going to do!" I cried.

"Louis ... It's not your fault. Don't think that way. You know what? I thought you and Libby should come tomorrow all day and sleep for days after! Then I take a talk with Kim, and tell her that, Eleanor need a break, is it a deal? " Said Johanna soothing. "Yes mom. Thank you .. I don't know what I would do without you!" I snorted. "I love you my little Louis. Lottie stand here and worries about you, I suppose I'm telling it to her, right?" Asked my mother. Wow when she said the name Lottie, I got stomach cramps! I had not seen Lottie for months .. We had a great relationship with each other. "Yes of course! Tell her that I love her, and we look forward to seeing her. See you soon mother" then I put on. I was a few seconds in bed when Eleanor came up with tears streaming down his cheeks, into the room and stopped when she saw me. It was not known her opinion.

Eleanor POV.

Libby and I had it SO cozy .. Until Libby got a little wrinkle in the forehead as she licked her fingers, which were filled with chocolate. "Mom, why are you crying all the time?" I looked at the touch of her. "What do you mean ..?" I asked, putting the last things in the dishwasher. "You cry so often in the evening. In the morning and you are never happy," she muttered and washed her hands under the tap, I had turned on for her. "You know .. it's a bit hard to explain" I whispered and struggled with my tears. "Mom .. I'm six years and I know that it's the stupid father's fans. Those who think that Dad and Uncle Harry is boyfriends!" She yelled frustrated. "They are not stupid Libby. No one in this world is stupid! And specially not your father's fans." I said absolutely. "Yes! When they call my mother for false and beard and a lot of other things, they are !!" Libby yelled at huge angry and blew some hair away that irritated her. "Libby! It's not something you have to get involved in" I cried and beat my hand down on the table so it gave a twitch in her. "I HATE YOU MOM. DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND THAT THEY ARE STUPID AND NOT DESERVE DAD!" she shouted and ran into her room and slammed the door. I collapsed on the kitchen table and slipped my foot into the tray. "Why !?" I whispered crying and could hardly breathe for my tears. Louis shouldn't hear me .. So I decided to run into the bedroom.

Louis saw shocked at me as I stood in front of him. "Eleanor ?!" He stood up with a set and took his arms around me. "Sweet sweet honey. What happens to you?" he whispered as he kissed my hair. I cried against his shoulder. "Sorry" I cried and put my arms around him. "My mom talks to your mom .. You need some days at home. I take Libby home while" said Louis quietly and stroked my cheek. I nodded and knew that I could use a chat with my mother, but she shouldn't know How I felt.. She Would just tell me to leave Louis for my own best "I love you" I snorted and kissed him on the mouth. "I love you too .. More than you think! Come on, let's put Libby in bed."
So Astrid wrote this bit and I will add a chapter asap❤️

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