Chapter 13:Can't get christmas off my mind still.

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Louis POV.

After new year we had a few good days in Eleanor's parents house. There had been a little panic when Emily wasn't there, but she had written that she didn't want to be with so many people yet. And it was quite fair!
We stood outside my apartment in London and waited for Paul to come and pick us up, because it was time to rehearse for the tour as we were going on for some months.
"Have you remember everything Louis?" asked Eleanor me, and took my hand. I said everything I had packed and we agreed that I had!
"Now they come !!!" Shouted Libby and jumped up and down by me, then I took her up in my arms. As the car approached, you could just see Harry behind the tinted windows. "Uncle Harry!" Libby shouted even more and created a little attention around us. "Shhhh Libby" I smiled and gave her a kiss on her cheek.
Paul went out of the car. "Hi Paul," said we all three of his piece. "Hey, guys, Tomlinsoner" he laughed and gave Eleanor a hug, slapped me on the shoulder and pulled Libbys ear so she laughed loudly! Eleanor went behind in the car and sat between Niall and Liam who gave her a hug as well as they could. Liam saw worried at Eleanor, when I had talked to him several times on the phone when I was sad. Libby was placed in between me and Harry. In the front Paul and Helene Hørlyck sat, she was our voicecoach. We said hello to everyone and then we drove. The rumor of us were spread quickly and more and more fans ran after the car on the road. I didn't even bother to look at them! I was furious with them, even though I knew that many of them really liked Eleanor! Liam noticed that I was a bit burned and gave my shoulder a squeeze.
Two updates today:D
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