Take Me Home

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         ~12 years ago~

   Ariella's POV

Flicking my short chestnut curls over my small bird-like shoulder, I walked over to the bench where I waited for my mother. All the other 7-year-olds milled around me as I sat alone. Being new to the school in the middle of 1st grade, it was hard to make friends when everyone had already found their people. They thought the short little girl from Dublin was wierd and lanky, so short and think like a little bird. On my first day today, I didn't even get to eat my PB-and-J my mother had packed in my lunch. As a matter of fact, a big 3rd grade boy stole my brown sack and ran off, eatting my lunch with a smirk.

I felt the weight of the bench shift slightly as someone sat next to me. Choosing to ignore them in hopes I wouldn't get picked on more, I semi curled into myself, clutching my Princess backpack in my arms and hiding behind my hair. Unfortunately, my neglected stomach decided to make itself known to everyone and growl loudly. A soft tap on my right shoulder had me slightly turning my head. A short but normal weight boy with dirty blonde hair that hung in his face and bright blue eyes was grinning at me, holding out a Ho-Ho. His grin was missing its front 2 teeth, but I strangely felt reasured.

"Hi," the blue eyed boy said in an excited but pitchy voice, "Im Niall James Horan. Wanna be best friends," he asked, seemingly offering the pastry as a sign of friendship.

Smiling brightly for the first time since I moved, I took the fatty food Mother would definately not allow. "Im Ariella Jenette Matherson."

~Now~ Ariella's POV

Any normal person would ask what sane 19-year-old girl would be at a London airport at 3:32 a.m. And, being the non-sane person I am, I stand here in a flippin' London airport at flippin' 3:32 AM waiting for my best friend of 12 years. People would be like, "How could they matter so much as to where you'd pick them up before dawn in a gross ass airport?" But Niall means as much to me as to where I would go to Hell and back for him.

So, here I stand, in a sweaty conjusted airport that smells like a McDonald's PlayPlace and cheap leather. In a pair of sky blue PINK sweatpants, Niall's purple "Kiss Me I'm Irish" shirt that has shrinked enough to not be too loose on me anymore, but enough to wear its comfty as hell, and purple and blue TOMS. Too tired to give a crap, I threw my waist length dark brown curls up in a pony-tail, didn't do any makeup, and was shifting from foot to foot to stay awake. Yeah, so far the shifting isn't helping.

As the woman over the intercom told everyone that Flight 143 was unloading, my nerves started to go everywhere. You see, Niall is 1/5 of the world known band named One Direction, origninally from here in London. Niall grew up in Mullingar, Ireland with me, Liam grew up in Wolverhampton, Zayn in Bradford, Harry in Cheshire, and Louis in Doncaster. Unfortunately, within the 2 years they have been in a band, I have never met the other boys. I'm sure Niall has talked about me knowing him, but I've never met them face-to-face. And for that I was nervous as bloody hell.

I checked the time on my phone quickly as people started to flow out of the gate. 3:41 a.m. Eager giggles and romantic greetings sounded around me as couples and families reunited. Stretching my neck, I looked for dyed blonde hair and ocean blue eyes and couldn't see around the tall men and women. I'm 5 foot 4. Sue me.

Suddenly, I caught sight of my little leprecaun and his British friends. His eyes swept the crowd, looking for me most likely, and his gentle hands pushed back his hair like he always did since he was a kid. His eyes found mine and his newly braced smile creeped onto his face-which was most likely the cutest thing I have seen in 2 years. Making a squeak, I ran over to him, catching the attention of the other boys. Niall dropped his bags to his feet and held open his arms just as I jumped, wrapping my lean arms and legs around his neck and waist. Loud voices spoke around us, but I ignored it as my best friend's Armani scent wrapped around me and his face nuzzled into my neck.

The boys probably thought I was some girlfriend Niall hadn't spoken about. In fact, I heard Liam grumble, "Niall never said anything of a pretty girlfriend..." As he said that, I untucked my face from Niall's collarbone and threw back my head with a bell-like laugh. All the boys looked at me wierdly and I dismounted Niall. Grinning widely, I waved my hand in the air.

"I'm not crazy. You lot are just funny," I giggled out, "I'm not Ni''s(A/N pronounced Nee's) girlfriend. I'm Ariella, his best friend. But please call me Ariel."

If my memory serves me right, Harry, the curlly haired dimple cheeked boy, grinned wickedly at me and nudged Niall in the ribs. "You friends with the hot Little Mermaid, Nialler? Holdin out info on the hottie best friend too," he asked Ni and then made that bloody annoying tisking sound, "Naughty Nialler."

Now that got me mad. This Harry boy was not standing well in my book so far. Grimancing, I gradded Ni's left hand in my right one and cuddled under his warm arm. Ahhh, I thought to myself, I needed Niall time. I snuck a glance up at him before talking to the other boys in front of me.

"Sooooooooo, home please?"

A/N Hey y'all(yes Im southern.)!!!!!!! So, was the first chapter good? Bad? Let me know(: Fan, comment, vote, you know the deal!!!!!:D

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