Chapter 18

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"Home, sweet home," Dean says, parking the car just outside the motel door. He looks at Riot in the back seat and adds, "For the record, if there's a dog in that room, I'm shooting you now, no questions asked."

"If there's a dog in that room, there's a solid chance they're going to kill me for you," Riot replies. He'd like to think his pack isn't still looking for him, but he can't know for sure.

Dean hops out of the car and disappears into the motel, but Sam and Riot take a little longer. Sam swings around to the back seat and opens the door for him.

"Can you walk?" Sam asks.

"I don't know. Probably."

He slides over to the door and takes a careful step out. His chest starts burning, but there's no silver in it anymore, so it doesn't phase him too much. He ties Dean's flannel around his waist, already knowing that Dean would be incredibly uncomfortable if he stepped inside naked. Fortunately, Sam seems to be doing a better job at pretending he's fully clothed.

They head to the motel room, Sam watching him cautiously with every step. Would now be a good time to remind him that even though Riot looks like a man or looks like a dog, he still has superhuman healing and a really high pain tolerance?

When they step inside the motel, Dean isn't the only one waiting there. Someone must have told Castiel where they were, and it scares the shit out of Riot when he sees the shape standing in the middle of the room. Sam doesn't seem to think anything of it, though, so Riot doesn't dwell on it. Now he just has to figure out how to explain himself to an angel.

"Hey, Cas," Sam says. "What's up?"

"I think I should be asking the same question," Castiel says, eyeing Riot warily.

Riot forces a smile. "Hi, Castiel."

This is awkward.

"What happened to you?" Castiel asks. "That must have been silver if you're still wounded."

Sam, Dean, and Riot all stare at him wordlessly. What the hell do they say to that?

"What?" Castiel asks, confused.

"Did you know he was a skinwalker?" Dean asks.

Castiel tilts his head to one side, squinting. "Of course. Why do you ask?"

"Why do I ask?" Dean scoffs. "Why didn't you tell us?"

"What do you mean?" Castiel asks.

"We have been living with a skinwalker for months, and you didn't think to tell us?" Dean demands.

"Did you not know?" Castiel asks. "I thought it was obvious."

"How was it obvious?"

"Well, because..." Castiel trails off, then picks it up again. "I don't know. It just felt obvious."

"Did it not occur to you that he always looked like a dog?" Sam asks. "That didn't strike you as suspicious?"

"I just thought it was more comfortable," Castiel says with a shrug.

"God, you're an idiot," Dean mutters.

"You made it sound like you knew," Castiel says defensively. "I asked why he was here and Sam said he was a friend. What was I supposed to think that meant?

"He does have a point," Riot says. "No one actually told him I was just a dog."

"Wait, did you know that he knew?" Sam asks.

"No, but in hindsight, I probably should have," Riot replies. That's why Castiel would talk to him like a person. It wasn't just a weird, socially-awkward-angel thing. He knew the whole time. To the angel, he says, "I am very sorry for never answering you. I didn't realize you were actually talking to me."

"Oh, it's okay," Castiel says. "This does make much more sense now." He walks up to Riot and, without another word, outs a hand on his chest.

Riot looks down at his hand warily. What is this guy doing? It's one thing to pet a dog without asking. It's a whole different story to touch a human.

But then he realizes that this isn't some weird angel petting thing. He's healing him. Within seconds, the bullet wound is gone, and Castiel takes a step back.

"Thanks," Riot says with a grateful smile. Castiel just nods once.

"Well, come on," Sam says. "I still have a lot of questions." He pauses, eyeing him for a moment. "But maybe you should get dressed first."

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