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Hi anyone who's still got this in your library!! Bet y'all forgot this existed, and honestly I wish I could too, but I digress.

This was written in like 2016 I think, so I was like 15 when I wrote it. And honestly at the time I did my best with the research and everything and I was really excited and proud of what I'd come up with.

HOWEVER, this story tackles some really deep and serious topics. Topics like early onset vascular dementia, being a child carer, depression, domestic abuse and a load of other subjects that I don't even want to know about.

In short, I had no fucking idea what the hell I was talking about. I'm now 18 and have since worked in a care home myself and I'm honestly absolutely disgusted at my misrepresentation of dementia and its affects on an individual and their families. I wanted to apologise for this thing and all the inaccurate, inappropriate messages it sent out to other young and impressionable people who at the time may have taken this as an accurate representation by mistake.

I'm sure no one really cares, but it matters to me to put this out there before I unpublish this. I'm extremely sorry for writing this thing the way I did, though at the time I didn't know any better.

Thanks to those who enjoyed this back then, you really made me so happy with your comments and while I'm not proud of this now at the time it meant the world.

Bye!! If you care you can check out the shit I'm writing now on my account. Bye!!

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