Bakugou in my World

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Bakugou's POV
I gave her a hug for celebration. She looks at me with joy. She kisses me on the lips and says "Thank you Katsuki. I am so glad that I finally beat the game. I could never get past it, but I did today." After so Lilly and Toshinori walked in. Lilly said, "Guess what y'all. I beat Tim again at Mario Kart. Isn't that funny." Sonya said, "I kinda figured your way better at it than he is even though this is your second time playing." I lost horribly. I didn't get any points. Says Toshinori. "That's because you don't know how to play Stick." I say. (Author-Chan: It's All-Might's nickname. For the people who want to know.) " Hey don't call him a stick Katsuki." Sonya hits me in the head really hard.
Katsuki called All-Might a Stick. I hit him in the head and he fell off the bed and hit his head. I say, "Well I just beat the entire game of Twilight Princess!" Lilly said, "Really! That's great!" "Yeah it was hard I died like 3 times so yeah. My dad can beat it in one try." I say rubbing my head. While talking to Lilly I didn't notice Katsuki laying on the floor. Not moving. "Ka-Katsuki?" I reach down towards him and all the sudden he grabs my hand and I fall on top of him. I tried to pull away but he wouldn't let go of me. "KATSUKI LET GO OF ME! WHAT IF MY PARENTS SEE!" My parents ran in as fast as I said that. Katsuki then said, " We are having a fighting match to see who would win and clearly I'm winning. That's all." They say ok and leave, they closed the door behind them. I turned back to him. He just pulled my head down towards his and kissed me. I was shocked by it, didn't know why it's not like he did this to me more often now. He entered with his tongue and explores every part of my mouth. He clearly had dominance. Though we had to release for air. *Though they did not know that Lilly had snuck another picture of them kissing for her scrapbook.* I layed on top of him breathing for air. I got up and went to the kitchen. My mom and dad asked are you okay. I say in a calm voice, " I'm fine. Just need something to drink. I'm also going to get everyone else a drink also." Ok they both say relieved.
Bakugou's POV
I had yet another good taste of her. I knew that it made her extremely flustered. She came back with drinks for all of us. Sonya deleted her profile on the game and made a new one. She started playing and before we knew it she was already at the water temple. (Author-Chan: If you play Zelda you know the ones before the water temple.) I kissed her neck surprising her. She looked at me and said, "I'm going to turn the game off now. Because I will get lost in this big ass temple." She turned the game off and we all got ready for bed. She and I layed down on the bed and Sonya said, " Let's all have a good night's rest. We have a big day ahead.

Author-Chan : Sorry if it seems short and Sorry I haven't really been able to update. I've been extremely busy lately.

Dark Aura: Forget about your family and write for these people. They want the story.

Author-Chan: Dark you know I can't do that remember what happened last time.

Galaxy: Yeah Dark! She has a family!

Author-Chan: How many times have I told you! I'm tired and need to rest please let me sleep!

Kat: I'm with Dark! These people are more important Author-Chan!

Author-Chan: I know.

By the way my beautiful weebs I'm also a furry. So if you like furries. I'm totally down to be friends.

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