Chapter 7: of monsters and men

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"Rejoice readers I have arrived for those who don't know Chris chan will know his backstory" said a masked man "I am Woz let me take you back in time". It was the 1982 a little boy was born. Then in high school he made an character that is the fusion of Sonic and a Pikachu for a project. Then a year later he went to college and he was looking for how do I put this a "boyfriend free" girl. He made comic about his abomination also he made a love sign to get a lady but the dean tore it up. He a had an argument with her about the love sign his OC was there to this was the beginning of his insanity. In 2014 he became a tom girl and hurt his how you say the male parts and part of his I mean her house burned down. Then in 2016 or is it 2017 the idea guys came and his reality falled apart like glass. Also let me tell you something the Sonichus and Rosechus are violent, sex hungry, racist and Sexist which is honest to say the least. They will continue their conquest of the whole entire universe starting with dimension 2019. For those who don't know this dimension it's a mirror of your dimension it has the same history as yours but a race of human and machine and Animal, just machine or plant hybrids known as Primebrids play a role a huge one but they keep their existence hidden until now the Primebrids live in peace with the humans when the Sonichus invade half of the Primebrids were slaughtered by the Sonichus and Rosechus until one escaped her name is Ashlyn Brown. Also Christine begs for money in order to buy toys for him self and yes he a man child and his sanity will never be fixed if you try to fix it will keep falling apart. good bye we will soon meet again.

Ashlyn's Universe: the Sonichu crisis Where stories live. Discover now