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LIFE HAD NEVER dealt Madison Valenti a decent set of cards throughout her life

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LIFE HAD NEVER dealt Madison Valenti a decent set of cards throughout her life. As she grew older she learned to accept this as the way it was.

Her childhood was spent jumping between foster homes, never really settling anywhere. This was until she was ten, when she was adopted by an American family who happened to be living in Holland at the time. Madison herself couldn't quite understand it.. what American couple would want to adopt a Dutch child who spoke no English?

Nevertheless, they did and to this day Madison still swears that they saved her life. Children coming out of foster homes, who were as rebellious in their teenage years as Madison was, rarely received a good education or had a motivation to work.

And yet Lily and David took her in, gave her a nice house, clothes, food; they taught her English, paid for her education. But more importantly they gave her love.

Eventually when Madison was fourteen, they moved back to the States as a family and finally settled in Santa Cruz, California. Madison fit in very easily, much to her surprise. Her blonde hair, slim body and sun-kissed skin represented the typical 'california girl'. Her English wasn't quite perfected until she was a senior in high school, and by this stage only a hint of her Dutch accent remained.

Madison had decided to pursue a career in teaching from a young age. She wanted to inspire young people to get an education just as she had been inspired by her parents.

And so meant that once college was over, Madison landed in San Diego, California for her new job as now a qualified elementary teacher. And life had been going quite ordinarily smooth... until what would soon unfold, which would change her life forever.


i only own madi, briar, rachel and their respective plots!
•don't steal my ideas•
also this book does not reflect my personal opinions on any characters/celebs! (but unfortunately hate DOES still happen to people online so this is reflected in my story)

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