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Everyone kept running in and out of the classroom to get water or talk to other Zombies and Plants before class started.
Kathryn and Major Sweetie were yelling to Dylan, who was at his locker. Dylan was Kathryn's boyfriend, and Major Sweetie had helped her get him.
"Oh my gosh, come on!" Major Sweetie yelled, laughing. She looked up another stupid cake meme and showed it to Kathryn, who laughed so hard she dropped her books on the floor.
"No, you have to show that to Katie and Josh! They got back together! Oh, and Alex said he got a girlfriend!" Kathryn said, giggling.
Major Sweetie gasped. "Really? That's great!" she yelled. Dylan chuckled.
All of a sudden, Otto Do's classroom door slammed, and Chompzilla, the Principal, looked at everyone. "I don't know what you think is so funny, but everyone in this classroom was so loud I could hear you from out in the hallway" she said sternly.
"Yeah, that was 80's Action Hero" Electric Slide said. 80's Action Hero slammed his binder on his desk and sighed. "Man, why do you gotta tell on everybody?" he asked. Then, he sat up straighter and pointed at Expositional Al. "Well, technically, Alice was playing a game on her phone" he said.
"Okay? So? You were listening to music really loudly!" Alice shouted. Land Phil burst out laughing. Chompzilla looked at him. "I'm sorry. Is there something that is so funny you need to share it with the rest of the class?" she asked. He gasped. "No" he said. "No, go ahead. Tell us what's so hilarious" she said defiantly. He giggled and looked at PVT Warrenn, who was giggling also. "No so, there's this cat, and it fell down the stairs, and this guy was yelling at it, and it was funny because he said 'that's my man right there!'" Land Phil yelled, and exploded out laughing again. Chompzilla took a stiff breath. "I don't know why that's so funny" she said. Major Sweetie, Kathryn, and Dylan came in, laughing their heads off. Major Sweetie was laughing so hard she crashed into the doorway and her face was red from laughing. She gasped dramatically and choked, then laughed again. "Oh, look who it is. Major Sweetie and her crew. Sit down! You three are late" Chompzilla said sternly. "Okay, so? Do they care? No" Electric Slide said. Major Sweetie fell into her seat and threw her head back, laughing. "What is so funny?" 80's Action Hero yelled. Super Brainz came dodging in, out of breath. "Sorry I'm late" he gasped. Chompzilla shook her head. "And why are you late?" she asked. "Oh um, the guy at Bojangles had to make a new batch of fries, and then the lady, like, she took a really long time to get my breakfast made, oh and then she dropped it on the floor and has to re-make it" Super Brainz said. Chompzilla stared at him. Land Phil burst out laughing really hard at that. "Oh my gosh, can you like, stop laughing at everything?" Alice shouted. "No!" Land Phil yelled, and cracked up again. Chompzilla slammed a textbook on Otto Do's desk. "SHUT UP!" she screamed. Everyone shut up in an instant. Except for Major Sweetie, who covered her mouth, still giggling. "Would you like to share what is so funny, Major Sweetie?" Chompzilla asked. Major Sweetie looked at her phone and burst out laughing again. Kathryn looked at the stupid funny cake meme and laughed so hard she choked on her spit. "I asked you a question, and you better answer me" Chompzilla said. Finally,
Major Sweetie collected herself. "So, we watch stupid cake memes, and there's this one where the cake spins around really fast and it's hilarious" she said, and laughed again. Chompzilla went over to her desk. "Major Sweetie, what is the rule about cellphones?" she asked. 80's Action Hero exploded into a fit of laughter. "She got caught! Ahaha!" he laughed, slapping his knee. Chompzilla looked at him. "You're next, sir, if you keep that up" she said. 80's Action Hero shook his head, still laughing. "She means shut up!" Super Brainz yelled. "You're not the boss of me" 80's Action Hero said. Electric Slide jumped out of her seat. "Yeah, and stop tattletaling on everyone and pointing them out! Yes, she got caught, but you're not a part of it, because she never said your name!" she shouted. 80's Action Hero leapt out of his seat. "Yeah, stop mouthing off to the Principal, little girl!" he yelled. Electric Slide whirled around. "I'm not a little girl!" she shouted. "You look like it" 80's Action Hero said, and burst out laughing again. Chompzilla smacked the desk and blew her whistle. "HEY!" she screamed angrily. "Everyone sit down and wait until I am finished. If you can't, you can go to Detention! You're lucky I'm not having a bad day, because if I was, everyone would be suspended already, especially Fried Chicken Strip!" she yelled. Electric Slide got up. "Stop calling me Chicken Salad and Fried Chicken Strip! It makes me angry, because that's not my name!" she shouted. Chompzilla turned to her. "Excuse me? Repeat that again. I dare you" she said. Electric Slide sat back down, breathing hard. "What is the rule about cellphones, after they started screaming and yelling at one another?" Chompzilla asked. "We can't have them out in class" Major Sweetie said, suddenly sounding defeated. "And why did you have it out in class?" Chompzilla asked. Electric Slide, however, jumped out of her seat to intervene. "She walked in here with her cellphone! And she may put it away once class starts! So let it go! Seriously" she said, annoyed. Chompzilla turned at her. "One more word out of your mouth and you will not like your Principal for a long time" she said. 80's Action Hero jumped on top of his desk and yelled, "Hey everyone! We're adults! She can't control us! So, just do whatever you want until class is over!". Chompzilla was getting furious. She snatched Major Sweetie's cellphone away, then stormed up to Otto Do's desk and smacked it as hard as she could. "I WANT EVERYONE TO BE QUIET RIGHT NOW!" she screamed really loudly. Then, she grabbed the wall-phone and started speaking to Mr. Bracey. "I need administration back-up for a class that is being disruptive right this second. Thank you" she said, although she was struggling to keep her temper under control. She slammed the phone back in the holder and took a deep breath. "I am the Principal of this school. When someone doesn't listen, I set them straight. Everyone in here is the worst behaved class I have ever seen as being a Principal. I don't even know why I chose to sub for Otto Do's class after he left" she said. They waited for the administration, stunned at what their evil Principal had just said.

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