Chompzilla's Failure

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The Principal of Garden Warfare school raced down the hall as fast as she could, as other teachers looked at her like she was crazy. She needed to hurry up before the class got any worse with their behavior. Maybe what she was about to do would teach them to never misbehave again. Chompzilla sprinted down the stairs, down the hallway, and was out of breath by the time she had reached the conference room. As she stood there, panting, she struggled to remember Otto Do's phone number. She looked it up on an unused computer sitting on the teachers' laptop cart. Chompzilla needed him to come back so he could do something about their behavior. She called him up.

"Hello?" a male voice asked. "Hi, this is Chompzilla from Garden Warfare School" she said, trying to sound like her normal self, not frustrated or out of breath. "Hi, Chompzilla. Is everything alright?" Otto Do asked, sounding calmer than normal. Usually, he was so busy he had to do a million things at once, and nobody knew where he was at for this lengthy amount of time. It had been nearly three weeks since he left, and he could have gotten to planet Mars right now, which was what everyone thought. "I need you to come back. Your class is so out of control that not even the administration can handle them. And I'm the Principal, and I don't know what to do anymore" she said, sounding desperate. He sighed. "You didn't think to get a substitute?" he snapped. "Th-there was nobody to-to hold up your class for three weeks!" Chompzilla cried. "This is why my class is out of control, and because you didn't seek help soon enough, now the class is so out of control it is a problem and is endangering your job, which is being the Principal. Great job, Chompzilla. You have paid nobody for three weeks, and now teachers are going to ask where their paychecks are at. Instead, you took it upon yourself to watch my class when you should have been the Principal, working in the office for three weeks. Did you think to go back to your office and check on your work you have to do?" Otto Do asked, clearly angry now. Chompzilla was speechless. No, she hadn't! And she hadn't payed anyone! "I-I'm sorry, I need to hang up" she stuttered. "Answer my question" Otto Do said sternly. "No, I did not!" Chompzilla yelled, and hurriedly got off the phone. She hung up and threw her cellphone on the floor, breathing hard. She left the conference room and slowly opened the door to her office. It was the way she had left it, although it felt much smaller. There were thousands of papers crammed on a wooden board on the wall. Finally, she went out of her office and picked up her cellphone, which had partially cracked from being thrown so hard. She would have to be her tough, brutal self if she wanted those students to behave. Chompzilla locked her office door and closed the conference door, then walked down the carpeted hallway to where the Printer room was at. Maybe she could enforce rules on them to do worksheets. Like, tons of them. Obviously, they needed stimulation. Maybe she could have them run around the track to get all of their excess energy out, then work on math. Except she was in control, and it was a class. She could do this. Chompzilla was the bad guy now.

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