Ch. 9 Merry Christmas My Little Angel

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A week later, it is finally Christmas Eve in Paris, France. Lucille is in the Palais Garnier, wearing a red dress with green floral patterns on it, white leggings, and black flats. The blonde-haired female tiptoes as she helps Madame Giry and Meg decorate the Christmas Tree in their small home within the Opera House. 

Last night, Lucille's parents, Raphael and Natalie left the Opera House with Adrien to visit Natalie's relatives that live a few hours away from the City. 

Lucille didn't go with them for the first time because she wanted to celebrate Christmas with Erik. But she innocently lied, saying that she wanted to spend Christmas with Madame Giry and Meg. Madame Giry did not mind since the older female knew that Erik would be lonely if Lucille weren't celebrating Christmas with him even if the fifteen-year-old wouldn't admit it. 

In the evening Raphael, Natalie, and Adrien left, Madame Giry reassured the couple that Lucille is going to be okay and that she will give the young female the presents that they were planning to give her. 

Lucille hugged her parents as she affectionately kissed Adrien on the cheek. The blonde-haired female waves goodbye as she watched her parents and younger brother get inside the carriage.  

" Say hello to Auntie Anna! Uncle Henry! And Cousin Raoul for me!" Lucille shouts as she hugs Madame Giry since it is cold outside. 

" Will do!" Raphael shouts as the carriage leaves, causing Lucille and Madame Giry to get back inside the Opera House. 

In the present, Lucille finally finished decorating the Christmas Tree. The blonde-haired female turns to Madame Giry as she excitedly and politely asked the older female if it is okay to see Erik. 

" Of course. I made this for you and Erik," Madame Giry warmly tells Lucille as she walks away to get a brown basket for Lucille to take when she goes to see Erik. 

Lucille patiently waits for Madame Giry, and she blinks when she hears her name. The blonde-haired female turns to see Meg walking up to her. 

" Lucy," Meg kindly calls out to Lucille. 

" Yes?" Lucille politely responds to Meg. 

" Can you give this to Erik for me? I want to give it myself, but Mother won't let me," Meg sadly sighed as she held an envelope with Erik's name on it. 

" Okay!" Lucille kindly smiled at Meg as she takes the envelope from the young female's grasp. 

" Here you go, Lucille," Madame Giry calls out to Lucille as she held a brown basket to the blonde-haired female. 

" Thank you," Lucille takes the brown basket from Madame Giry's grasp as she waves goodbye to them, and she carefully leaves the room. 

" Mother," Meg turns to Madame Giry once Lucille is gone. " How come Lucy gets to see him, but I can't?" The young female sadly asked the older female, feeling a bit envious that a little girl can see Erik in person. 

" Meg. We have spoken about this," Madame Giry sternly tells Meg. 

" But, Mother, I love him," Meg confessed as she intently stared at Madame Giry. 

" You have never seen or met, Erik in person. How does a little girl such as yourself know about love?" Madame Giry scolds Meg. 

Tears welled up in Meg's eyes as she glares at Madame Giry. 

" If you let me meet Erik, I can genuinely love him," Meg cries out as she turns around, and she runs to her bedroom. 

Madame Giry worriedly sighed when she hears the door gets slammed. 

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