Dean X Reader - Nightmares

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You shot up in your bed, sweat on your forehead. Tears threatened to spill from your eyes as you remembered the nightmare that awoke you.


"Please leave him alone!" You yelled to the demon, who had a knife pressed to Dean's neck. The demon smirked, glancing over to you.

"Oh, you want me to let your 'boyfriend' go? Hmmm. I think not!" the demon cackled as he slit Dean's throat, letting his lifeless body collapse to the ground.

"DEAN! NO!!" You screamed. Blood spilled from his neck as you struggled against the restraints holding you back. The restraints just kinda broke, causing you to fall forward and crawl over to Dean's limp body. You pulled his head into your lap, tears falling onto his pale face.

"You monster! I'll kill you for this!"

"How can you kill me if I'm already dead?"

End of nightmare

You felt hot tears fall down your face as you stood up and slowly walked towards Dean's room. You knocked on the door, hoping he would hear you.

"Dean? Are you awake?" You asked. You heard footsteps and a second later, Dean opened the door. He looked down at your tear filled eyes, and worry crossed his face.

"Y/n? Are you alright?" You said nothing as you hugged him, placing your face on his chest. Tears continued to spill, making his shirt wet.

"I, I had a night, nightmare," you cried softly. Carefully, he helped you sit on the edge of the bed, kneeling in front of you and brushing hair out of your eyes.

"Hey. Hey, it's okay. You're okay, I'm okay, Sammy's okay. Everyone's okay."

"I know, b-but it seemed so real, Dean. I thought it was real," you whispered. Dean pulled you into a hug again, resting his head on yours.

"How about this. I'll let you lay with me until you fall asleep, okay?" Dean suggested. You nodded and Dean lay down on the bed, pulling you into his chest. You sniffed slightly and felt his arms wrap around you.

"You smell like pie," you mumbled, causing Dean to chuckle. He began to him a tune you didn't know, and for some reason, it was comforting. You smiled as you felt his fingers run through your hair. You began to feel drowsy and felt your eyelids fluttering closed.

With tiredness in your voice, you muttered a quiet, "I love you, Dean." Dean smiled and kissed your head.

"I love you, too. Now, sleep," he said. "I'll fight off the bad dreams if they come to get you."

A/N: This one is short but adorable! Just wanted to do one for Dean that was cute, and this one cut it. Hope you enjoyed! Requests are still open!

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