Dean X Reader - Waiting

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When's it going to stop? Nobody knows
For every flower that drops, a garden will grow
There is beauty in every moment we mark
I'll admit I'm scared of what's in the dark

Y/n was an angel. She helped rescue Dean from the Pit, as per Castiel's request. She could tell it would be quite easy to get close to the emerald eyed hunter. She became is confidant, someone he could confide in.

Over time, Dean opened up to Y/n, telling her every little thing he desired. And she listened. She listened as he poured out the deepest parts of his soul just to get things off his chest. And she was intrigued, fascinated even, by his rants that she soon found herself eager to hear and learn more. And she began to feel a fluttering in her chest that made her uneasy. She'd never felt such a thing.

She asked Sam about it, and he concluded that Y/n liked Dean. He said that she was falling in love. She was unsure of the feeling, having never felt it before, yet didn't want to be rid of it. This feeling made her feel happy and safe and she never wanted it to go away.

No I can't wait any longer
But I can't just let you go
As the days fade into nightfall
I'm waiting, I'm waiting, I'm waiting for the call

Y/n felt nervous talking to Dean about it, yet she longed to. She wanted so dearly to tell him how she felt and to have him hold her close, but seeing how he was around other girls, Y/n was hesitant. She didn't want to be thrown aside and forgotten after he got what he wanted. But after a night of restless sleep (she chose to sleep), she found herself in Dean's room, her head on his chest, listening to the pounding of his heartbeat. His hands ran through her hair as they talked in hushed whispers.

She felt calm, like nothing would happen to her so long as she was in his arms. In her state of tranquility, she let it slip that she loved him. When he didn't reply, she feared the worst, that she'd made a mistake, and suddenly felt ashamed. He still said nothing, yet instead pulled her into a compassionate kiss and told her he loved her as well.

Following that interaction came a long span of dating with sweet I love yous and gentle kisses here and there. Dean was different with her, not like he was with other girls in the past. He was considerate and didn't push her into anything she wasn't ready for. Sam wasn't surprised that someone as hard-core as Dean fell for someone as sweet and innocent as Y/n. Everyone knows that opposites attract.

Will it be okay if I give you up?
I can't live this way, you were my love
There are pieces of you in all I own
I'll admit I'm scared now I'm alone

Y/n gave up her grace to save Dean, and was now human. When she had the chance to get it back, she refused. The thought of living life forever young while Dean inevitably grew old and died caused her to panic. If she couldn't grow old with him, she didn't want any of it. Yet a group of powerful angels saw it as treason.

Standing in front of Dean in an abandoned warehouse made it all too real. Both of them knew what was coming. Neither of them wanted it to happen. Dean was on the verge of tears as he took in every last detail of her face. The flecks of different colors in her e/c eyes, making them the closest to heaven someone on earth could get. Her h/l h/c hair that seemed to always be perfect, no matter what. The small scars decorating her s/c skin from hunts long since gone.


"Shh, Dean. Don't talk," Y/n said. Her voice was like silk, soft and beautiful. He could listen to her voice for hours, no matter the topic. It seemed to be the most melodious thing to ever exist, the lullaby that lulled him to sleep, the most pleasant thing ever.

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