Ready or Not

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     "Ha! Keep up little dude, adventure awaits!" The older child chuckled. The younger child was panting as he was trying to stay with the older sibling.
    "Just wait until I get a small scent of mom's apple pie, then you'll be eating my dust!" The younger child laughing. They both ran through the wheat field, toward the farm. The younger child was still behind the older one. The oldest came out of the wheat field first waving to the mother.
     "O'rien dear, where's your brother?" The mom looking around. The older brother put his finger up, then pointed to his brother running out of the field. The younger one was collapsed to the ground panting.
     "Well it looks like I have won, you have to give me a bite of your pie!" O'rien chuckled, "Alright now get up, we got some of that delicious pie to eat, Gjon." O'rien giving Gjon a hand. Gjon took his hand and got up. They both headed into the house to a nice whiff of apple pie. After dinner, the boys cleaned the dishes and went to bed.
"D-dad, where are you?! I can't see anything!" O'rien exclaimed in his sleep. Gjon sighed and got up from bed. He got a stool to get on O'rien's level, and he slapped him in the face. O'rien jumped up and sighed.
"Did I do it again? It's the fourth time this week." O'rien pointed out, Gjon nodded.
"Look, I know you miss dad a lot, apparently more than all of us. But you gotta stop keeping us up all night, stop worrying about him, he's gone and we can't change that." Gjon looked down. O'rien nodded and motioned Gjon to head back to his bed, and O'rien went back to sleep. Hours later, O'rien woke up in a dream inside a red, hot, and caved place. A black skeleton rose from the ground and stared in his direction.
"You miss your father, do you?" The skeleton glared, O'rien nodded.
     "Why do you care anyways? It's not like I know you or anything." O'rien glared back.
     "It doesn't matter that I don't know you, would you like to get him back?" The dark skeleton stepped closer. O'rien was hesitant at first, but he nodded in agreement.
     "How do I get him back?" O'rien questioned. The dark skeleton put out his hand.
     "Shake it and you will be on your first step to your father, there is no way out if you shake." The dark skeleton grinned. O'rien didn't give it another thought and shook it's hand. "If you back out, you die and you don't see your father." The Skeleton leaned over.
     "W-what? You never told me thi-" O'rien was cut off.
      "I'll keep in touch, see you tomorrow night..." The skeleton's voice faded away. O'rien woke up to Gjon poking his face with a stick.
     "Rise and shine! We got some field work to deal with, go get some breakfast and help me with the weeds." Gjon rushed downstairs. O'rien rubbed the back of his neck and got ready for the day. He then went downstairs to the smell of eggs and bacon.
"Eat up dear, you have got a long day ahead of you!" The mother handed him bacon with scrambled eggs. After O'rien finished breakfast, he put his gloves on and went outside. He looked at his younger brother, who had already gotten to work. He then, looked to the huge field of weeds and sighed. By the end of the day, the two boys were worked to the bone. They went back inside the house, got some water, and went to bed. They never even ate dinner. Both of them plopped onto their beds and fell fast asleep. The mother looked at them with a sigh, blew out the candles, and went to bed.
"So, O'rien, are you ready to get your father back?" The dark skeleton appeared from the ground, O'rien nodded and looked in the direction of the fire, "Good."
"Before we start, what is your name?" O'rien looked back to the skeleton.
"You can call me, Azza, one of the three fallen angels." Azza slowly moved toward O'rien.
"What do I have to do?" O'rien asked, Azza stopped in his tracks and let off a sinister grin.
"To get one the one you love, you must lose the two you love. Don't worry I will take good care of them." Azza placed his hand on O'rien's shoulder. O'rien trembling to the words that just came out, looked up to see the sinister look of Azza's skull.
"NO! I WON'T DO IT!" O'rien backing up. Azza now cackling, slowly inches closer.
"Oh? Guess what?! I already told you, you're unable to back out. Here's a little something to make sure you do it before you die." Azza scratches O'rien's foot. Out of the cut, the veins turned black, and the foot very slowly, showed small black spots. O'rien now freaking out, falls down, and wakes back up in a sweaty panic. He lifted his blanket and removed his right sock. Terror grew in his eye, his foot had one dark spot on top. He quickly put the sock back on and walked to the bathroom. He tried everything, water, soap, water WITH soap, but it didn't come out. Azza's voice popped into his head. "The only way to back out, is to eliminate your soul." Azza cackled even harder and appeared translucent in front of his face. Azza proceeded to place his finer in between O'rien's eyes. He began to shake uncontrollably and his eyes turned black for a few seconds. After his eyes reverted to its normal color, he stood up like nothing happened and grinned into the water on the floor, beside him was Azza, placing his hand on his head. That night, the family sat down at the table, ready for dinner. The mother gave everyone a share of soup for dinner. They were all quiet, except Gjon, who was loudly slurping the soup.
"Would you CUT THAT OUT?!" O'rien slammed the table. The others looked at him in a shocked look. O'rien quickly went back to drinking the soup.
"Okay, sorry." Gjon looked down. The mother gave a suspicious look to O'rien and looked to the moon, it was full...
"Well would you look at that? The full moon is out and there's no cloud out there. Looks amazing." The mother looked back to O'rien and he was still drinking his soup. The mother 'accidentally' spilled water on the table, she looked into O'rien's reflection and saw it. She gave a slight gasp, but O'rien already caught on to what she was doing. Gjon was already cleaning up the water on the table, oblivious to what was about to happen. The mother quickly threw the table against O'rien and he was trapped in between the wall and the table.
"Why'd you do that mo-" Gjon was cut off. The mother handed him her necklace which had the shape of a moon.
"Quickly son, take this, get out of here, don't look back, and don't ever get anywhere near your brother, I love you, don't you ever forget that!" She held the table against O'rien while she told Gjon to run. He listened to his mother's instructions and bolted out the door. He saw and orange light form behind him, he looked back to find his house on fire. He began to cry as he ran farther away from home. He ran through the forest until he neared the forest's end. The moon shined in the night as he made his way out. He fell to the ground in tears, but he was lifted into the air as the moon overwhelmed him in light. He nearly reached the height of an old tree until, he passed out. He woke up on the ground with the sunlight beaming the land as he got up. He found a dry dirt path and followed it down.

Twenty-four years later...

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