Date Time (Harry)

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                                Chapter Five

The next morning I woke up the same as I did when I fell asleep smiling, I don't know what it is but these boys at  making me smile more than I ever had in my life. So I did the same as I do every morning of each date read the letter beside my bed to see where the date was. An ice skating rink, yes I haven't been to one in ages i thought to myself. So I put on something comfy on and opened the front door and there was a big box of chocolates and a bunch of flowers 'they are beautiful', I said to myself putting my face in them and sniffing them, I decided I'd bring them to the limo with me, I flew down the stairs being very careful not to spill the chocolates an  I hopped into the limo. 'I'm actually getting used to this' I thought.

Again like all the other dates I spent the same time in the spa and got the same things done. Then the limo was meant to take me back to my apartment but it took me to a designer clothes shop, the limo driver said 'remember dress warm',I said 'I will, thanks for everything' So once I spent an hour picking the perfect warm sexy outfit I went back to the apartment and as usual put the finishing touches on except this time I put a hat scarf and gloves on instead of jewellery but I still put my favourite perfume on (cinema). So I was ready to go then I hear a horn beep, I look out the window and its Harry, he's on a house and coach this is so romantic.

I sprinted down the stairs as fast as I possibly could. People passing me probably just saw a blurr. The coach ride on the way to the ice rink was so relaxing and comfy, me and Harry were sitting chatting sipping on hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows and flake shavings YUM, Harry had his arm round me cuddling me into his chest. We got to the ice rink and Harry got my skates for me and put them on what a sweet gentleman, Then we went on the ice as slow as snails because I was a bit scared because I haven't went ice skating in ages. Harry was so loving and kind about it he held my hand and said I will never let u fall, my heart sunk it was a beautiful moment. So we got on the ice and it turned out I was a natural. Then Harry saw this other couple ice skating I think they were professionals because they were spinning each other round. Then Harry turns to me and says we could do that I'm always up for a Laugh so I said why not. Then we went to do it and we both slipped I sprained my ankle and Harry sprained his arm. The ambulance came and I got my ankle bandaged up and Harry got his leg bandaged up, He said 'I'm really sorry, I hate myself soo much now' I said 'Harry, it was both of our faults this date was amazing and lovely I loved every minute of it, I wouldn't change it for the world, Thank you' then we both smiled at each other.

After that we both went back to Harry's apartment and put our feet up and watched a movie with a munch because the doctors said we had to rest for a couple of days, It was so fun Harry gave me a piggy back back to my apartment which was really sweet of him, he said he would've carried me but his arm. I said ' Its okay, you didn't have to give me a piggy back back to my apartment but that's just how sweet you are. Then we both said goodnight and we kissed. I went into my room and got changed into my pyjamas then slumped onto the bed an  kicked of my slippers and fell asleep with a smile on my face like the other two dates.

(sorry that my chapters are so short, hope your enjoying it. My chapters will get longer and better so don't worry)

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