The Return To Earth

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The dropship stops shaking for a minute while heading towards Earth. For almost one hundred years, it's been human-free, because if the nuclear war. Now us junior prisoners are heading down, and if we don't die, the rest of the people on the Ark will follow.

Some people are crying about their families. I'm not. I have no one up there. Not anymore.

A boy unstraps his seat and starts floating.

"Get back in your seat, Finn," a girl says sternly. But instead, the boy, now I know as Finn, comes towards me.

"Don't you ever smile?" He asks, grinning.

"I have nothing to smile about." Is my reply. Finn starts undoing my seatbelt, but I stop him. "You should really sit back down," I say, pointing to his seat.

He floats back to his seat, but stops in front of another boy before he does.

"Looks like your dad floated me after all," Finn said to the boy, and then sat back down.

I know who he was talking to. Wells Jaha, the chancellor's son. On Earth, I hope he doesn't think he can control us. Wells turns towards the girl he's sitting next to. I can't make out what they're saying, but I can hear Wells call her 'Clarke'. She looks like a better leader than him.

Suddenly, the dropship starts shaking again. The force throws me forward, smashing against my loose seatbelt. Finn had already undone it enough that one more blow would cause me to fall on the floor. And that blow comes. The seatbelt flies back, sending me forward. My body hits the floor hard, and then everything goes black.


"Finn is she breathing?" Is the first thing I hear. It sounds like it's meant to be shout, but I hear it as a whisper. Two fingers touch my neck, presumably Finn's, and by instinct I grab his wrist.

"She's breathing, all right." He says, and with that, I release his wrist. My eyes open, and the image is blurry at first, but then it comes into view. I slowly stand up, and stagger towards the openening of the dropship. Everyone is running around out side, laughing and screaming. I can see why. I don't think I've ever seen this colour of green. It's so beautiful, all the trees and plants, so much green, and the fresh air... I inhale deeply. For the first time, since I was eleven, I smile.

"How are you feeling?" I turn to my side, and see that it's Clarke who asked the question.

"I'm fine," I say, and I realize it's too sharp. "Thank you," I add, my tone nicer.

I step outside cautiously. Soon, I'm running in it, just like all the others. I find a soft spot of grass, and lie down, looking at the clouds. How could humans ever want to destroy this?

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