4- 'Are you single?'

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After about 2 hours of the cast showing me around the set, introducing me to the crew, exchanging numbers and adding each other on instagram, I arrived back to my trailer and sunk into my couch. Wow. I was ready to work with them all, and they were definitely one big family, but there was a little voice that kept nagging at my mind that this was a bad idea. Being so close to Joshua was a bad idea. I mean for now I'd just have to ignore the voice and see how this all pans out.

I was craving food and due to it being my first day I had literally no food in my trailer, so I sent a quick text to the cast asking if they wanted to go out and get dinner somewhere. Instantly my phone was buzzing requests of where to eat flooding in, all deciding on a nearby restaurant to eat at. I brushed my hair and sent a quick text to Bella for her to just order a takeout from somewhere, because i'd probably be late. "You're getting me fat", was the response I received from her.


We all ended up being crammed around two table's, as the restaurant was busy and were currently waiting to order our food. I was sat in-between to Matt and Julia; Josh, Frankie and Olivia across from us. The rest of the cast on another table around the corner.

"Well this is cozy isn't it." I joked, after we'd all ordered our food.

"Talk about being close knit!" Olivia said with a smile, elbowing Josh at the same time, as he was more interested in his phone than an actual conversation.

"What you doin' there Josh?" I called to him and his head instantly shot up.

"Oh um nothing, absolutely nothing." He stuttered, locking his phone and putting it in his pocket.

"Go on then, tell us a bit more about yourself." Frankie exclaimed from across the table.

"Yeah, like where are you from, how old actually are you and why you decided to do what you're doing now." questioned Julia.

"Favourite Music?" Olivia perked up.

"Are you single?" Asked Matt. Bit forward there but who can blame a man for trying.

"Gosh guys, a lot of questions there. A girl can only remember so many! But to awnser your questions, I'm Thea, I'm 17, a march baby. I grew up in Cali, Oceanside to be exact. And I decided to try and pursue a career in acting because I love the thrill of just creating the scenes, I've always been a fan of the theatre and I'd love to be on broadway, but that's for later in life. The routes were either a career in Music or Acting, and as much as I'd love to do music, I thought I'd have a better chance at acting. But I mean being with all you amazing songwriter's and singers, I could get some tips!"

"Of course you can!" Olivia said with a smile.

"To awnser your question Liv, I'd have to say my favourite artist has to be Miss Grande, but Harry Styles and Billie Eilish are both tied in second place. I tell you what song I have stuck in my head, 'cruel summer' by Taylor Swift." I wasn't obviously going to say Mr Joshua Bassett was one of my favourite artists, because that would've just been awkward, but I can listen to his voice on repeat. I used to do when we were little, we'd sit by the piano and sing out stupid tunes, but he'd still be amazing and hit all the right notes.

"Oh My Gosh, my absolute favourite, like that song is a literal masterpiece." Squealed Olivia, I could tell she adored Taylor and could talk about her for hours on end.

"Right, I cannot believe not everyone has heard that song!" I exclaimed.

I smiled and turned to Matt.

"To awnser your question Matt, I am indeed Single. I don't think anyone can handle my craziness, so it's just me, myself and I at the moment." I said with a laugh. His Smile seemed to grow a little bigger when I told him I was single, I don't know why.  My eyes scanned everyone sat around the small table, lingering on Josh for a little longer than I should've.

Our food arrived a minute later and we all tucked in as soon as it was placed down in front of us. I was starving and so it didn't take me long to finish my whole dish, but I noticed that I wasn't the first one to be finished, I was beaten by Josh and Matt, who were both in a serious conversation with Frankie, and Julia.

"So what do you think of everything?" Olivia asked.

"God what can I say, it's daunting but I love it. I can see how close you all are and that's so nice to see. I'm nervous as hell, as it's my first big acting job, but we'll see how it goes." I said with a smile, meaning every word I said.

"Well I love you already, and you know I'm here and were all here whenever you need us and were excited to have you join our little family! They couldn't have picked anyone better to join season 2." Olivia said with what looked like genuine happiness on her face.

"If we weren't all sat down right now I'd give you the biggest hug." I said, taking her hand that rested on the table in mine and giving it a squeeze.

"Are you free this Saturday, we can plan a girls night if you wanted"

"That's such a good idea, I'll text the girls now. We can have it at mine, if you want, give you a chance to look round my apartment too." I said, already taking my phone out and making a girls group chat, with everyone. I got instant replies of everyone saying yes.

"Im bringing the face masks!" Called Julia, earning a laugh from me and Olivia and causing the three boys to look so confused.

"Anyway's I best be getting off, thank you for all this today." I said to everyone leaving my money on the table. "I'll text you the address and I'll see you all bright and early tomorrow." I said going round the table and giving everyone a hug.

"Of course, have a safe ride home."

"See you tomorrow."

I waved goodbye to everyone on the other table and every one of them returned it. When I got outside, I realised I had a genuine smile on my face and I'd got so lucky to be spending most of my time here with these amazing people. I couldn't wait to tell Bella all about it.


A/N: Ok so this chapters a bit of a get to know the character more, and i'm sorry for the slow replies, I literally got writers block but I've made a playlist of songs to help me write this story and it's helping. :)

Also DID YOU SEE Olivia's cover of 'cruel summer'. I'm so so proud of her and I just had to include that in the storyline.

But ok that's it for today, bye <3

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