Chapter 10: hug❤

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Tzuyu's POV

Jungkook was silently driving.. well it was kinda awkward but minutes later we arrived at the mall.

Are you going out or not? He said

Duh..obviously i will go out

He just rolled he's eyes I then got out of the car and so he is. Then we started walking on the mall

Oh yeah..tzuyu

Yes sir?

Don't call me sir just call me jungkook.

Mehh its kinda long..

Then what do u want to call me?

I was thinking really hard until I got a light bulb on my head haha u know what is it😂 I already figured out what to call him I then look at him and he just look at me in a confused face..

Well I already know what to call u

What is it?

Hmm..can I call u kookie? It really reminds me of a cute stuff toy..

So youre really calling me cute like what u just said earlier at my room?

My went wide as he said that words then I quickly turn around so that he can only see my back then I heard him chuckle because of that annoying chuckle I quickly turn around and face him

Just don't mind what is just said a minute ago..just forget what I want to call u

No..pls I like that Nickname I promise I will not tease you again*puppy eyes*

Eh? Fine u win...lets just go OK?

Oh yeah about what I was going to ask

What is it?

Say my nickname first


What is it Kookie?

I want u to buy youre new clothes and help me buy a ring for mom


He then quickly grab my wrist and guide me to the store

Welcome ma'am and sir what can I help u?

I want my girlfriend to have her new and beautiful clothes..

My eyes went wide once again from what I have heard "girlfriend!!" Omg I am so done..the girl just left us to find clothes that fit for me then I quickly pinch he's arm

Ouch! What was that for? He said in low tone

Why did u tell that woman that I am ur girlfriend?

Nothing just don't mind that

I just rolled my eyes I wait for the lady to came. A minutes later he then showed up with a lot of clothes and I was trying all of the clothes that the lady gave us and jungkook was the one who's picking what is perfect for me. Hours later we are already done picking my cloths and its so many gosh! We then went to the cashier I was so nervous because I have no money. But then I saw jungkook give his credit card to the cashier then paid all of my clothes and wow this guy. After that we went out to the store and find a ring store

Yah! Ju– I mean kookie


Well since youre the one who pay for my clothes I'm going to pay u back

No thank u that clothes is my threat

Jinja? I jump in happiness and then I then hug him

Thank u kookie-ah

After that I look at him and he's seems surprised I then came back from my sense because I remember I was hugging him because of that I quickly remove my arms around him

Just forget what happened just now OK?

I then continue to walk and he just follow me behind my back

His Personal Maid <<J.Jk>> × <<C.Tz>> •|Complete|•Where stories live. Discover now