Chapter17: awkward

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Tzuyu's POV

After I got on jungkook's room I go to my room then quickly lock it Then throw my self to the bed i was looking at the ceiling but then I remember the kiss..

Shit! Chou tzuyu! Why did u do that argh I hate my self!!!

After screaming I was so tired that I didn't even notice I was now a sleep

(Time skip morning)

I woke up by the sun hiting my face I open my phone then check the time

7:30!? TF im gonna be late!!

But then I remember we have no class today because the teacher will have their seminar

Well thats a great thing...

I then got up from bed and did my routine. After doing my routine I went outside my room but then I bump on someone


S-sorry chewy...

I then look up to see who it is but then I quickly look away when I see him shit  I really regret looking up

I-its o-okay k-kookie...I said shuttering

M-mom t-told me t-that I should w-wake you u-up. He also said shuttering

Oh o-okay

I then stand up and walk to the kitchen jungkook was following me behind

Oh tzuyu sweety glad ur now let's eat. Auntie jeon said

Jungkook and I quickly sit down beside each other awkwardly

So is everything alright why are u two looking so awkward to each other?

Jungkook and I look at each other awkwardly and then back to auntie jeon

I there everything I want to know? She said rising one of her eyebrows

N-nothing mom. Jungkook said shuttering

Did something happened between you two? She said teasingly

N-no untie j-jungkook and I are Fine..oh yeah I r-remember I have t-to go s-somewhere see u later auntie

I then quickly run outside then go to my car and drive to Sana unnie's house

Jungkook's POV

Yah!! Jeon Jungkook! Did you bully tzuyu once again!?!

Then why are u two shuttering while talking to me!?

Its just that*sigh* I'll tell you what happened

I then begin to explain what happened between me and tzuyu from beginning to End

You two did what!? OMG my son is already growing up*fake Cry's*


Oh..come on my son.. You and tzuyu fit each other you know what?

What? I ask

The other maids and I have been talking about u two and they said they ship u two

What! Mom...that embarrassing..

eh? Jungkook-ah I know you have a crush on tzuyu

But mom u know I have a GF already

Then Go broke up with her!!! And court tzuyu! I don't even like youre GF youre GF is a big brat!when u bring her here she just act like this is her house to act like all the maid must follow her order and I hate that kind of woman so break up with her

I might be inlove to tzuyu but Yena she will be hurt. I said while lowering my head

I know that son..but I want to pick already..she said I'm a calm voice

After she said she left me and I just stay in there thinking about what my mom said me

Shes right i have to pick already...

•|Authors note|•
Yow stupid author here😂 hope u enjoy today's update hope u all had a great day and also I would like u to choose what other bangtwice couple should I add

Should it be

Jinyeon? Or Taesana?

Just comment on what couple should I add😊

His Personal Maid <<J.Jk>> × <<C.Tz>> •|Complete|•Where stories live. Discover now