Friend of Ours

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Enzo drove slowly up to the house to see a car parked outside it already. He frowned reversing out of sight. He watched unable to see who drove the car but was relieved when they drove away. He climbed out and headed towards the house. Heading to the back door.

Racheal opened it, a bright smile on her face. "Enzo" she whispered, he smiled pulling her in for a kiss as he walked in, but she pushed him off "Enzo you can't be here," he frowned "why not? Why are you whispering?" he said only to be shushed by her. "I'm looking after a friends kid, he's in the other room you have to be quiet" she giggled, he smirked "so I can't raise my voice like this," he said his voice slowly getting louder Racheal slapped him stopping him from yelling before pulling him into a deep kiss, giggling. Her arms wrapping around his neck. He smiled into the kiss pulling her closer. "Auntie Racheal?" Racheal pulled away from Enzo quickly turning to see Leo poking his small head around the door. She smiled walking over to him "hey bud, you ok?" he nodded his blue eyes glued to the man behind her. "Who is that?" Leo whispered to Racheal, pointing at him, Racheal looks over her shoulder at Enzo and he gives a small wave. "He's just a friend." She said as she picked him up, resting him on her hip. And carrying him upstairs. Leo's eyes glued to Enzo until he could no longer see him "why is he here?"

"He just came to say hi," she said walking into the spare room, where a huge box of toys was. She got a few of his favorites out making him comfortable "I'll be back in a minute Leo" she before hurrying out of the room and back down the stairs to the back door where Enzo is standing. She pushed him towards the door "Enzo you have to go."

"oh, come on Racheal, you can't kick me out, I just got here. I wanted to see you." Racheal smiled placing a long kiss on his lips, "come back another day" she said before shutting the door on him. A bright smile on her lips as she leaned against it. She peeked out the small window in the door to see him making his way out the garden, she giggled, smiling before making her way back upstairs to where Leo was sat playing with a train. She kneeled down next to him. "What do you say to get some lunch and going to the park?" Leo nodded, Racheal smiled standing up and offering her hand to Leo. Leo got up clinging to the toy train as he took Rachel's hand and followed her downstairs.


At ten o'clock dinner was served, and the guests headed to their seats in the dining hall. Everyone enjoying the eight-course meal.

Skyla sat next to Dante and while the men and woman chattered around them. Skyla and Dante talked, laughing and joking together. Like a normal, happy couple. But the feeling of her father's eyes boring into her reminded her that they weren't, reminding her of what he expected by the end of the night.

Once dinner was finished, Skyla followed a now very relaxed Dante up to his hotel room. His arm wrapped around her waist, his hand against the warm fabric of her black, long sleeve dress, as she leaned into his side.

He opened the door, closing it behind them with his foot as he pulled her closer. His lips locking with hers. At first, it was soft and sweet, but the passion built, both Dante and Skyla getting lost in the feelings, the memories of how it had been. He pushed her up against the wall as his fingers trailed up her body to her face setting her skin alight. His fingertips tracing her jaw, a small moan of pleasure leaving her lips. His chest against hers, their hearts beating together. His fingers slipping into her locks the soft strands knotting around his fingers.

She slowly opened her eyes to see his still where shut, still lost in the romance of it all. She shut them tight against as the pressure built behind her eyes, the tears desperate to fall. She let her hand glide down his body, moving from his to the cut in her dress, she spun them around so he's up against the wall as she moved the dress out of the way and grabbed the gun. She kissed him deeper trying to convey how much she loved him as she slowly raised the gun, holding it level his chest, her hands trembling as the tears started to slip, there ice-cold touch trailing her cheeks.

She took the shoot.

His eyes widened in shock and pain, his white shirt turned red as he slowly slid down the wall to the floor, his hands trying to grasp hers as he fell.

The pain burned through every fiber of her being as she watched his eyes closed. She slowly kneeled down, a waterfall of tears covering her cheeks dampening his trousers. She leaned forward planting a kiss on his forehead. "Please forgive me" she whispered before rising to her feet.

She tucked the gun away. She undid her dress letting it fall to the floor pooling at her feet, leaving her in a sleeveless blue dress. she pulled off the gloves tucking them into her garter next to the gun and then unclipped the skirt letting the blue silk fabric fall into place.

Suddenly the pressure behind her eyes, the sting of tears were gone, replaced by the dull, hollow ache of despair.

She turned and left the room, heading back down the empty corridor and down the stairs, her eyes not leaving the floor.

Her eyes met her father's as she reached the bottom of the stairs she gave him a small nod and watched as a smirk blossomed on his lips. He turned and led the way out of the hotel, Skyla two steps behind him. He stops at a black car with tinted windows. He opened the door and she climbed in. "You kept your side of the deal now I'll keep mine." She nodded. Vincent shut the car door and stood watching as it took off disappearing around the corner. It took every inch of her will power not to look back and break down completely. She had to stay strong, she had done this to keep her son alive. Leo, Leo was the person she should have all her focus on. Getting him away from this hell.

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