Finding Him

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Skyla placed the last bag into the boot of the car, Leo and Racheal in the back, and with Dakota driving, Skyla climbed into the passenger seat. With the music playing in the background, Skyla smiled at the sound of Leo happily giggling and chatting to Racheal in the back. Skyla sighed watching the buildings and the odd tree fly by, the sound of the engine strangely relaxing. Skyla let her eyes close and her head drop back against the headrest, she slowly let herself fall into a dreamless and peaceful sleep.

The car pulled up at the airport, Skyla carried Leo with a few bags flung over her shoulder while Racheal and Dakota pulling the suitcases behind them, they hurried through the crowd and across the large airport. As they reached the gate Skyla placed Leo down taking his hand. She pulled him into a tight hug "I'll see you soon, ok? you stay with auntie Shelly for I few weeks and I'll come and get you later." Leo nodded as he smiled up at her. "Is Ducky coming?" Skyla frowned "Leo, who's Ducky?" he pointed over Skyla's shoulder and Skyla turned to see Racheal and Dakota talking. She smiled, turning back to look at him. "No, I'm sorry sweetie, Ducky is staying with me. But you'll see her again soon."

Racheal walked over pulling Leo up into her arms waving him around as she did so make Leo burst out into a fit of giggles. Skyla was so happy that Leo was so comfortable with Racheal, she couldn't even comprehend how much more complicated the whole situation would be if he wasn't. It would be so much harder to keep him safe.

She smiled as she stood up so thankful for Racheal and Leo. Dakota draped her arm over Skyla's shoulder. Skyla smiled at her. "I'm happy for you, Leo's such an amazing kid. You're so lucky to have him."

"You know I think you and Racheal would be a great friend" Skyla whispered to Dakota. Dakota looked taken back "why would you think that?"

"Well your both loud, funny, and annoying." Dakota nudged her side making Skyla chuckle. "But really, you both understand what it's like to not be able to have kids." Dakota's eyes widened "wait, she can't-" Skyla shook her head, "no. That's why she was so willing to take Leo while I tried to sort out my mess."

"How long?" Skyla frowned "not as long as you, she fell ill a few years ago." Dakota nodded, "she didn't want kids, not until she found out she couldn't have them."

"I never thought that not being able to have kids would ever bother me, but it seems the other I get the more I start to wonder what it would be like." She went quiet for a moment watching Leo and Racheal as Leo giggles and messes around with Racheal. Dakota scoffs "I wouldn't have been a good mother, so I guess it's best." Skyla's eyes widened as she turned to face Dakota "don't say that, you would be an amazing mother."

"You think?" Skyla shook her head. "No, I know. Leo hasn't known you that long and with everything going on I didn't think he would enjoy being around any of you. But he clearly likes you. He gave you a nickname." Dakota smiled "what is it?"

"Ducky" Skyla answered giggling.

With the announcement that the plane was ready to board. Skyla and Dakota said their last goodbyes to Racheal and Leo. Skyla watched waving as Racheal took Leo's hand and lead him towards the desk passports in hand. Leo gave his last wave as he disappeared through the doors. Skyla smiled knowing the safer they would be the further away they got. She turned smiling at Dakota "come on, let's go kick some mafia butt."


They pulled into the long drive of the sound, Skyla's breath catching in her throat at the sight of the line of black cars. Dakota frowned "those cars weren't here when we left right?"

"No, they weren't" Skyla answered, Dakota nodded "ok good. I thought I was going a little crazy for a second"

"Well don't hold your breath, we might all be driven crazy soon enough," Skyla said as she undid her belt "that's Vincent's car. Vincent lounges back in his office chair, feet resting one on top of the other on his desk, glass in hand. There was a knock on the door before it opened and one of his men walked in. "Sir, I car has just pulled up outside" he smirked, "let them in and don't bother them." He snapped before taking another sip of his drink.

The door burst open and Dakota burst in "this is not your office." She snapped "get. Out." Vincent just smiled at her placing his glass down "yes, it is but he's sadly no longer with us therefore it is my office," he said a sadistic smile on his lips. He got up from the seat moving around towards her "I'm sure you miss your brother dearly, but you work for me now. So, raise your voice to me again and you will pay with your life." He said through gritted teeth. She bit her tongue stopping herself from snapping back, she knew it wouldn't end well for her. She simply nodded her head and walked out of the office heading straight to Skyla's room. "I hope you have a plan to destroy him" she snapped after she had slammed the door behind her.

Skyla smiled tapping the space next to her on the bed, Dakota sighed walking over and collapsing on to the bed. "I'm so glad you told me when you told me, I think I would have gone mad by now. And probably done something I may or may not regret doing." Dakota said hinting at the truth she had been told. Skyla placed her hand on her shoulder. "Will figure it out, we'll get out of this. You will have your brother back." She whispered. Dakota smiled at up at her "thank you Skyla." She whispered back.

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