Last laugh

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I woke up. Yes I woke up. "Who are you?" I asked. "I am Oliver Wood and we need to get you to the great hall now." We we're running down the halls. "Grace your awake!" Libby said. "What's happening." We thought you were dead but Harry heard a heart beat and so we put you in the hospital wing but now there is a war about to happen so your the best at charms and DADA in the year so you need to stay and fight ok!" She said. "Grace your a great flyer we need you in the air quick let's go!" Wood shouted. "Ok I'll be at the front and Grace your next to me cho your on the other side and the rest follow behind us! Now ." He said giving us orders. "Stupify!" I shouted sending death eaters flying. "Montague up here!" I shouted as my old friend from slytherin was running with his broom. He flew 20 feet in the air towards us. "Ok we have a good group so we should be ok!" I shouted to Oliver who was miles ahead. A young girl was shot off her broom and all hell was breaking loose. " come on!" Wood shouted as we flew around the castle. I went to go and help in foot after the battle. I saw the weasleys and ran up to them. ""Fred." I said and started shaking him. "Fred come on. Fred. No no no no Fred." I shouted leaning over him. He was gone. Everybody made there way out side to see hagrid carrying Harry. "No not Harry aswell." I said to myself holding back tears. "Draco come." His parents were bribing him over. "Grace come here now." My parents shouted. But I didn't move, Oliver put his arm around me making me feel safe and warm. Everything from there went by like a blur. Harry was alive and defeated Voldemort and I lost loved ones.

1 year later

Me and Oliver had gotten married and he was now in the quidditch World Cup and we won!! I was a large part in the ministry and life was well

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