An Argument

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Merlin POV
I am running through the bustling hallways of the Camelot castle. Everyone is in a good mood today. Today is The princes birthday. An event celebrated largely throughout many of he surrounding kingdoms. But I am not celebrating. Something is desperately wrong. I can feel it like a cold shiver crawling up my back. I haven't felt this way since I last saw Morgana. Could she be back now? After all this time? I can't focus on that right now. Arthur will be needing me to help him get dressed for the ceremony. I see Arthur's door now, open. That strange. I quickly barge in, expecting to see Arthur sitting on his bed picking at his shirt. I find the exact opposite. Arthur is standing, his night shirt half tucked into a belt he hastily put on. His face is flushed with anger and I can see why. King Uther has caught him at exactly the wrong moment. Normally, you would think the king could just wait for his son to be fully dressed before forcing himself in his bedroom, but Uther has never been a very patient guy.

"What do you mean, you aren't going?!"Uther asks incredulously. "This feast has been planned in your honor. All of the surrounding kingdoms will be attending."

"I-I can't, Father. I have a very important matter to get to." I can tell he is lying. I always can. But to lie to the king, it must be important.

"What matter could possibly have you miss your birthday?"


"The Druids in Daobeth are getting restless." I interrupted. They both just seem to notice I'm there. The king and the prince are both staring at me now and it's making me nervous. I speak again. Stupid. Stupid.

"Uh-well... It was supposed to be a secret. You see we didn't want you fretting over something like that as small an issue as it is. Arthur just seemed to think it best for you not to know....You know a whole crowd of Druids slipping under you nose is quite an accomplishment." Maybe I stepped overboard. Maybe I went over the line a little with the whole nose part. But he just frowns slightly before turning back to Arthur.

"Son, this is a time of celebration. I will send a pack of knights to take care of these Druids. You will attend the celebration. No. Exceptions." He adds. Great. That plan backfired. "And you," he says,"make sure he makes it there on time."

With that he strides out of Arthurs chambers, leaving Arthur and me staring glumly after him. Arthur walks to the doors and slams the doors shut, turning an angry yet scared face towards me.

"Great job, Merlin. You just bought me a ticket to hours of torture."

"I thought you liked your parties?"

"Well..." He seems lost for words for a second."well I've changed my mind. celebrations are useless. The only good thing that comes from them is the food." He finishes dryly.

I decide to change the subject to a more successful approach. "So.... Arthur" I hesitate. Should I? Yes. "What the real reason you don't want to go. I know it's not that you've gotten tired of them." I walk over to him and he pales as he backs away.

"That's all it is Merlin. Now please leave me alone. I've had enough of your snooping."

"But Arthur-your clothes-"

"Out!"He yells."I am so tired of hearing you day in and day out. Arthur this or Arthur that. Geez, Merlin it gets annoying." My hurt most show on my face because he tries to take it back.
"Merlin- I didn't mean to-I-" but I'm already gone. If he doesn't want to talk to me fine. He doesn't have to.

I awake later that day to Gaius shaking me. Apparently I had fallen asleep in my room.

"Hurry Merlin. It's time to go."

"What?" I ask groggily.

" The feast Merlin. The celebration. Now hurry up and get changed. Arthur might need your help."

He leaves while I'm still lying down. I am not in the mood to help Arthur. I just saved his neck and how does he thank me? He yells at me to leave him alone. But I oblige knowing full well Gaius's wrath. Before long, I am knocking on Arthur's chamber door. But to only find silence. That's strange. I cautiously open the door, careful not to disturb anything. There's a loud crash behind me and I spin around to see Arthur among the wreckage of fallen armor and helmets. I notice that he hides his hands behind his back as he speaks.

"What are you doing here, Merlin. I thought I told you to get out" His words come out panicky.

"One, I'm your man servant. I have to help you to get ready. Two, I'm worried about you. You've been avoiding people for over a week now and you only speak when spoken to." Now that I say it, that is exactly what he's been doing. Hiding out in his room the whole time.

"Well, I don't need your help. Any normal man can get himself changed."

"But you aren't normal. Arthur, and you never will be." He pales when I say this. "I mean you are the crown prince of Camelot." He looks a little relieved but he is still tensed.

"I'm fine, really Merlin. You shouldn't worry." I can sense he wants me to leave. I nod my head and walk out closing the door behind me.

--------------------------AUTHOR'S NOTE------------------------------

So how was it. What do you think is going on with Arthur? What is he hiding? Read the next chapter to find out! :)

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