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Merlin POV

"Wh-what?" I stutter. "I don't know what your talking about." I am not ready to reveal my secret yet.

"Liar." Arthur whispers.

I decide to play clueless. I give him a lopsided grin and he frowns. "Why won't you just tell me? I am your friend right?"

"It's-it's not that Arthur. It's's just. I don't know."

"Then what is it Merlin!?" He explodes. "You're always so secretive and you're always disappearing to who knows where. You get Gaius to lie for you constantly, yes I know about that. And sometimes you make me feel like I'm a clumsy idiot who can't tell right from wrong and it's like you don't want to hurt me or something. But I just want to know."

"I'm sorry Arthur...I just can't." This drives him over the edge and before I can comprehend what is happening I am being thrown back and hit the tree behind me with full force. A sickening crack fills the air and Arthur gasps.

"No." Arthur whispers. He rushes over and starts to shake my shoulders.

"No. No. No! Please Merlin. Please wake up. Please. Please. Please. I didn't mean to. I'm so, so sorry." I can barely make out what he is saying. It hurts that much. I know for a fact, I must have broken something. I am drifting in and out of unconsciousness.

He didn't mean to. I know that. He just wanted the truth. There is no way I can blame him.

I can hear Arthurs sobs in the distance. I think he is shaking me by the shoulders but I can't really tell.

"Please wake up Merlin. You don't have to tell me, you just have to wake up. Pl-please." I just have to acknowledge him. That all I have to do. I don't know if I can though. It hurts so much. But I must. I will.

I slowly, painstakingly lift my hand and place it on his shoulder. He looks over at my full in the face and I slowly open my eyes. It hurts but I have to continue. Just two words that's all. Then you can sleep.

" 's okay." I murmur and then fall unconscious.


Arthur POV

All I wanted was the truth. I didn't mean to hurt him. I didn't mean to hurt him at all.

As I watched him collapse into unconsciousness in my arms I realize I did this. My magic did this. A part of me did this. My father was right. All magic is evil. It has claimed some of my closest friends and now it has claimed me. I am a monster. A freak of nature. I will live with this guilt the rest of my life.

Right now is not the time to sink into my regret though. Merlin is in danger, because of me. If he dies, I should die. I did this to him and I will be the one to fix him. I carefully pick him up and carry him back to the campsite. I lay him down beside the fire and gently roll up his shirt.

I don't like what I see. His rib bones have all been broken by the looks of it and his breathing is extremely shallow. There is gash on his head that is oozing blood at a consistent rate. If I don't do something soon, Merlin will die.

Even if I do by some miracle save him, it's likely he won't ever be the same. I quickly bandage his head attempting to stop the bleeding and sit back, wondering what I am going to do. I could take him to a nearby village, but I am currently an outlaw, so that would raise suspicion. I could also take him to the Druids, but they only show when they want to be found.

So that leaves one option. I have to use my magic. But how? Using magic would require an incantation and I don't know any. Besides, the only thing my magic seems to cause is trouble. But I don't have another choice.

Merlin and Arthur-Two SorcerersWhere stories live. Discover now