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Life is a little different these days.

Goodness, where do I begin?

It started when I received an owl from school with some news regarding my education. The letter stated that I was among a selected few students of who had missed my seventh year at Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft And Wizardry (due to an event which I won't be discussing for personal reasons), and I was offered to repeat the year if I pleased. Without hesitation, I picked up my quill and marked an X in the little check box beneath the words yes, I will be returning. As if the opportunity to go back to Hogwarts wasn't enough, the letter also mentioned that those who decided to return would get some eight year exclusive perks, such as less homework, a shortened curfew, and access to other house common rooms.

Now, you're probably wondering: what comes next?

Without having to worry about a certain dark wizard and his spread of terror, things sure seem to have settled down at last. There's nothing to fear, no one to fight... it's kind of a strange feeling, to be honest. My entire life, I've been used to feeling like I'm about to die. So this is all new to me. It feels... good. It will take a while before I get used to this feeling, but then again, there's no rush. I have an entire school year ahead of me, and I will do everything I can to make it the best. Because... it is also my last.

I hate to imagine that in one year, I'm going to be leaving this place for good. Up till this point I've avoided thinking about it too much, but now that that thought keeps getting closer and closer to becoming reality, it's something that's on my mind often these days. No more meals in the Great Hall, no more pranks on the Slytherins, no more Quidditch matches... no more Hogwarts. Hogwarts is my home. Every single memory I have made here is like precious jewel to me, wether happy or sad. I can't believe that sooner or later, I'll have to say goodbye to this place. And when that day comes, will I be ready to move on...?

Sorry, I'm getting ahead of myself. I tend to overthink things...

Some people say to stop looking at the past and start looking at the future, but I disagree. You can clutch the past to your chest as tightly as you want, but in the end it will only leave your arms too full to embrace the present. That is why this year, I'm going to try not to dwell in the past too much, nor dream of the future—but concentrate my mind on today.

And even though one day I'll have to leave Hogwarts for good, I can still live life to its fullest until that day comes. And when I finally do have to say goodbye, I'll be ready. After all, home was never a place—home is the friends that we've made.

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