4. Every Leo Needs A Gemini

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Nobody said a word on the trip to the library, for Draco's presence had majorly killed the atmosphere. Ron was anything but glad he was coming along, which his disgruntled facial expression clearly indicated, but even Hermione, who had said she didn't mind, appeared to be a bit uneasy.

I didn't think much of the Slytherin strolling nonchalantly beside me. At least, I didn't think I did. His smug statements annoyed me, he had been my sworn enemy for seven years straight, and we'd fought on opposing sides in the War just one year ago. And yet, despite all of this (and much, much more), we had miraculously managed to settle our differences and become friends (it still amazed me to this day). I'd always known there was more to him than money and a pretty face. And this year, that notion was confirmed at last. Draco might appear tough and intimidating on the outside, but in reality he was just a big softie who liked thick books, black tea and the smell of rain. Who would've thought? Certainly not me, that's for sure.

We arrived at the library not much later. You could probably count on your fingers the amount of people that were there as well, which fortunately meant that there were plenty of places to sit. We picked out a table somewhere in the back, sky-high bookcases towering all around us, secluding our spot from sight. Once Ron, Hermione and I had pulled out our books, scrolls of parchment, quills and ink bottles, Draco pointed out, "What are you studying for, anyway?"

"An Astronomy assignment," Hermione replied almost instantly, as if she'd been prepared for such a question. "Two scrolls of parchment, front and back, with a full description of the characteristics of your astrology sign according to the western zodiac."

"Tch, that's lame," Draco commented boredly. "Glad I decided to drop that class this year."

"Wait, you don't even take Astronomy?" Ron asked in astonishment, before turning to me. "He doesn't even take Astronomy!"

Draco crossed his arms, leaned back in his chair, and said in a somewhat amused manner, "Why would I? It's way too easy. I was a straight A+ student with barely any effort, and frankly, it was a complete waste of time. Besides, there are much more beneficial classes for me to take than Astronomy."

It was like a light bulb went on inside of my head. A golden opportunity had just been handed to me on a silver platter.

"If it's so easy," I began, the corners of my mouth turning upward into a cocky grin. "I'm sure you wouldn't mind helping me out with my essay?"

Casting an unimpressed glance in my direction, Draco remarked, "I know what you're doing, and it's not working."

"What are you talking about?" I asked, trying to sound as oblivious as I could. "It was just a suggestion. I figured little Mister Perfect could make this essay with ease, but I suppose he's just not up for the challenge."

"Give me that book!" Draco barked, seizing my Astronomy book and frantically flipping through it. I shot a smug glance over at Ron, who grinned back proudly. Hermione looked like she disapproved of the situation, but fortunately didn't bother to tell me off.

"Here!" Draco exclaimed, before dropping the book in front of me with a loud thud. It lay open on a chapter dedicated to the Leo, which happened to be my astrology sign. Part of me wanted to ask Draco how he knew this, but deciding to save that question for later, I picked up the book with both my hands and read a paragraph out loud.

"People born under the sign of Leo are natural born leaders. Their "king of the jungle" status makes them able to achieve anything they want in any area of life they commit to. Self-confident and attractive, this is a Sun sign to be reckoned with, for there is no sign more difficult to resist than the Leo."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2021 ⏰

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