chapter 9 powers

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pov: William

I stood up again, ready for a battle but before I could run the mysterious guy pounced on me from behind and grabbed both my hands, he had a grip so tight that i tought he was going to crush my bones, i couldn't let go. the girl did one final check on Sonap, sniffing him carefully and then she slowly let go of him and he dropped straight into the fire. I looked in disappear as I saw the flames engulf his body. this was all my fault, I was the one that wanted to go out here in the freezing snow and know I'm the reason why my best friend is dead.

?????: what's happening, why isn't he burning?

????: I don't know sir

William: huh?

they were correct, Sonap wasn't dead but why? the guy behind me let go of his grip and ran over to the other girl next to the fire.

pov: sonap

that was a rough fight but I finally managed to beat him. my eyes slowly slid open and revealed orange flames scattered around me, the ground was rough and muddy and the sky was litterd with ash. were am I? I tried to get my body to work and sat up, i saw two people starring at me with shock. eventually one of them held out there hands and said...

?????: I'm so sorry

????: your a werewolf? oh god that's embarrassing

later that night I met up with William and a new guy to meet up in a small cave beside the forest, it smelt damp, the walls were rusted and there were thousands of leaves on the ground, just the standard cave I guess. there was a brightly lit fire in the middle of the cave and we all sat around it in a circular formation.

lucas: hello, my name is lucas, the whole pack could'nt make it but thats ok, we all have our lives and that's what matters

william: we almost lost one life

lucas: uuuh, yes, we are very sorry for that

Sonap: why are we here?

lucas: we are here to introduce you to the pack

kafe: hi, my name is kafe, i'm the alpha female of this pack

?????: mY naME iS BOB!

lucas: his name is atomo, he's the gamma of this group

atomo: i LIke RAInbowS

william: so how the hell did he survive that fire

lucas slowly put his hand into the sparkling fire that was in front of him. i was astounded, i had never seen anybody risk there life by putting there hand into a fire but when he took it out there were no scars

lucas: only people with fire type powers can withstand this heat

sonap: wait, does that mean-

lucas: indeed

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