🍰 Judging Criteria 🍰

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For all the judges and participants, welcome, glad I could finally meet you all, I'm TaeddyxShooky . I believe I have already spoken to quite a few of you, and you're all such brilliant people. If we haven't, no worries, drop by anytime, I'll be sure to respond.

Now for all of you judges, this brings us to the part where YOU matter. All of our amazing participants have sent in their books, and they're all waiting on a platter for you to read them. So, focus your thirst on these books, knock yourself out. :3 

Now just like how food is a brilliant amalgamation of different tastes, so does a book needing to have a perfect blend of the following elements. 

Let's start with:

the cherry-on-top  TITLE:  /5

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the cherry-on-top 
TITLE:  /5

A title plays a crucial role for any book. It sets an impression. Does the title attract you to come read the book? Does the title sound too dry? Is it a complicated, fancy word (from any Language) used for the sake of it? 

A good title should be able to provide you with a hint of what the story could possibly be about. So, the title should have some significance or connection to the story. 

Like I said, a beautiful cherry to attract you to come and take a bite. 

Sprinkles and sweet confetti, BOOK COVER:  /5

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Sprinkles and sweet confetti, 

A cover should literally be an eye-stopper. It should stop you from scrolling and moving past the book. It should intrigue you and make you wanna click on it and give it a read. 

Now the colours and themes that are used in a book cover, should indicate what sort of theme you can expect in the story. For example, using pastel colours in the cover could indicate a very sweet, boy-next-door sorta of romantic story. A dark cover could indicate some sort of mystery, tragedy, crime and the likes. The elements used in the cover also help in sealing the deal. If my story is about Taehyung being a strong wizard in the 19th Century, I have to choose an image of him wearing some retro attire that could come close to this representation. It's a throw-off if I have him dressed wearing a Tata costume. Although it would be Definitely cute, but isn't appropriate to the story.

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