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Stormheart's POV
Ator approached, rope in hand.
I could feel the magic with which it was enchanted.
But I couldn't get past the protection barrier.
I knew nothing about what that rope would do to me.
I stood stiffly, glaring at my brother.
My arms moved of their own accord, reaching out to him.
My gaze hardened.
*You think that's funny don't you?* I growled.
*Maybe a little...* Ator replied with a devilish smirk.
I bit my tongue on the multitude of insults bubbling up within me.
Ator stopped directly in front of my outstretched hands.
The rope bites into my wrists as my brother secures it.
He tugs on the last knot, forcing me closer.
A feral noise escapes me.
*Contrary to what you may believe, I will break you.* Ator whispered, mouth close to my ear.
I snapped my head to the side, trying to ignore the pain that blossomed.
Why did heads have to be so hard?
Ator staggered sideways, clutching his head. He'd have a nice bruise tomorrow morning.
~Good~ I thought savagely.
I hold my ground, head raised proudly.
*You don't want to play this game.* My brother warned.
I found that I couldn't speak.
Oh I wanted to.
I just couldn't.
Ator has taken my freedom to speak.
I scowled at him, quivering in rage as he drew closer.
*Maybe a bit of time to get over yourself will do us some good.* Ator murmured, cutting the rope with a flick of his finger.
I just glared.
~You certainly aren't doing yourself any favors~ I thought mutinously.
My eyes burned as he raised my chin, forcing me to look him in the eye.
*I will break you- never forget it.*
Those were the last words before darkness set in.
Only in unconsciousness was I free.
Ator's POV
Her eyes burned with an odd ferocity, even in sleep.
I brushed her hair out of her eyes to examine that expression more closely.
Nothing was stopping me after all.
I could kill her if I wanted to.
But I didn't want to kill her.
I couldn't kill her.
I had to break her first.
The silencing enchantment might help with that process.
If she couldn't argue, she couldn't fight so easily.
I would do the talking.
She would do the listening.
That and the restriction enchantment would work wonders.
I glanced down at her, brushing a finger along the curve of her cheek.
*You'll understand eventually.* I murmured softly, cupping her face in my hands and resting my forehead against her own.
*You'll understand that all I do is to protect you from pain...*
I awoke with a massive headache.
~Where in the name of Wraths am I~ I wondered, taking in my surroundings.
I narrowed my eyes as my brother knelt in front of me, tilting my head back to examine my face.
*You're afraid?* He rumbled.
It wasn't a damn question.
I wouldn't admit that it was the truth.
A soft chuckle escaped him as he lightly tapped the tip of my nose.
I bit his finger.
I would have bit it off if he hadn't slapped me.
I glared as his magic forced my head down.
Forced me into submission.
*Nice.* Ator grumbled, sarcasm plaguing his voice as he examined the damage.
The look he gave me made me want to squirm.
I squirm for no one.
Especially him.
Ator smiled and gripped my shoulders, forcing my back against the wall behind me.
*You will listen to every word I say without complaint or things could get... interesting.* He ordered.
I bared my teeth in disgust.
~Yeah right, you just wait until I have a knife stuck in you, we'll see whose laughing then~ I thought with grim amusement.
*Come on sister, the day wanes.*
I had no choice but to follow him...

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