Car Trip

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-Kai POV-

I waited by the car, annoyed. Does that stupid manager think that she can steal YN from me for longer!? Ugh. When YN is all mine, I'm gonna make sure that manager is six feet under...

"Sir. Kai! You're back earlier than usual. Is everything alright?" Paul said, Paul is my driver he's been driving me where ever I wanted to go since I was about 3.
"No. Everything went quite well." My voice deepened, sometimes it does that. Usually when I'm thinking about YN, or when I'm angry. ( I guess )
"Um. How was YN?" Paul asked.
"YN was just perfect." I added a, "like always..." under my breath.
"Are you gonna get in the car?" Paul questioned.
"Hm? Oh, remember that thing my father told you about?"
"Oh. Yes, of course! So, she agreed, I assume?" He questioned.
"Of course she agreed! Who wouldn't!?" I laughed.
"You and your father were very kind!"  Paul said, "I'm so very excited to meet YN for the first time!"

At that moment, almost perfectly, YN stepped out of the cafe.

I smiled at the sight of her...

She was past-perfect.

She was the most beautiful creature in my world...


As I stepped out of the café, Kai and his driver stared at me.
I tensed up. I don't usually get stared at so often.
I slowly walked over to Kai, "U-um..."
It was so uncomfortable, awkward...
But then Kai opened the car door for me.
I blushed slightly and scooted in.
I didn't know Kai could be such a gentleman.
"Thank you!" I gushed, when I was finally in my seat.
"No problem!" He said as he walked to the other side of the car and got in.

"Alrighty now! We heading home?" Kai's driver asked him.
"Yes, please." Said Kai politely.

On the drive*

"Oh, by the way! My name is Paul, I'm Kai's driver." He introduced himself.
"It's nice to meet you, Paul! My name is YN." I responded.
"Trust me, I know. Kai has been coming here since both of you were in middle school. Remember those times?" Paul laughed.
"Oh, right! I totally forgot how long I've been serving Kai for! It been a long time, hasn't it?" I asked Kai.

-Kai POV-

"Oh, right! I totally forgot how long I've been serving Kai for! It been a long time, hasn't it?" YN asked me.
"It has. 6 years, actually." I smiled, realizing how long we've known eachother.
"Wow! I didn't know it was that long." YN laughed.
"Yeah. 1 year in middle school, 4 years high school, and 1 year in college." I explained.
"Woah." YN looked supremely shocked.
"Time flies by doesn't it?" Paul joked.
"Apparently! Wow! I still can't believe it." YN's ears and tail waved around. Adorable!~


"We're here!"
Kai got out of the car, walked to my side and opened the door for me.
I got out of the car too, "Thank you, Kai! Thank you, Paul!" I called out.
I waved my tail in 'thanks' but then quickly stopped, realizing they didn't know Neko culture.
Kai and Paul stared at me perplexed.
I blushed slightly.
Kai shrugged it off.
"Follow me!" Kai gushed.
"Okay!" I followed Kai into the very large apartment complex.
"Wow! You live here?" I said, shocked.
"Yeah. I wanted privacy, away from my mother and father, but I have a cat!"
"I love cats! What's his name?" I asked.
"How'd you know it was male?" Kai questioned.

-Kai's POV-

"How'd you know it was male?" I questioned.
YN tensed up, and blushed abundantly, as we stepped on the elevator.
I'm gonna burst with affection if she keeps look at me like that.
"D-Don't be mad at me, okay!?" She burst out, as I pressed the button for 9. (my floor, AKA the top floor )
"I could never be mad at you." I smiled.
"W-well, it wasn't purposely! okay!?" She screamed.
I laughed at how cute she was being, "Alright."
"I accidentally... smelled you and cat hair was on you, and all I know is that your cats a male!" She gushed out, quickly.
I laughed.
"It's okay! It's not your fault you have heightened senses."
"Th-Thanks..." She stuttered.
"Um. So wh-" the elevator stopped interrupting my conversation. I got mad. But it's silly to be mad at an elevator. But if it was human... it would been dead.

We stepped in my apartment, "WOW! It's huge!" YN gushed.
"So, you take online courses for college, right?"
"Yes." YN replied.
"So when do you usually finish?" I asked.
"About 1..." YN muttered.
"Okay! Then I have a request." I told her.
"I want to learn Neko posture language. Like, what was that tail thing you did?" I asked.
"Oh! Yeah, I can teach you that! And, that wave of the tail was 'thank you'" She explained.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2020 ⏰

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