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Alexander Hamilton
10:14, September 5th, Monday

I let out a deep sigh and looked at the key in my hand, who would've thought that I, Alexander Hamilton, would be in New York studying at Kings College?

I smile to myself and unlock the door to my new home for the next 6 months, it wasn't that glamorous or bright but I'm sure I can fix it up somehow. I set down my bags and take off my shoes and coat, hanging the coat on a hook and placing my shoes on a wooden rack. I look around a little bit before deciding to unpack my things, there was a double bed, a desk, a set of drawers and a dresser on both sides of the room. There was a large window that fit right in the middle of the wall, filling the room with a beautiful natural light.

I folded my clothes and carefully put them in the dresser, sighing as I had just spent the last hour unpacking.

I flopped onto my bed, looking over at a picture of my Mom, she was so beautiful, I frown.

I was brought out of my thoughts by a loud thud, I slide off my bed and make my way to the front room where i see a man lying down on the sofa, is he...sleeping?

I walked closer to him and yeah, he was asleep.

Why didn't he just come into the bedroom? This is strange, I'll wake him up.

I gently shook his shoulder, instead of waking up he turned over, I groaned and shook his shoulder again, this time a lot more...vigorously.

Still no response, I stared at the man in front of me, he looks so nonchalant. His hair is in a messy ponytail, his eyelashes fluttering ever so slightly. I'm sure he'll wake up soon.


Ok, it's been 5 hours and he still hasn't woken up, I didn't want to admit it but i'm a little worried.

I walk into the front room and surprisingly, the man has awoken. I watched him yawn and rub his eyes like a child, I clear my throat and his head snaps towards me.

"Hi, I'm Alexander Hamilton but you can call me Alex." I extended my hand out in front of the man and he slowly shook it, "I'm John Laurens, how long was I out?"

"Oh, about 5 hours." I replied, watching his cheeks turn a pinkish colour. He stood up and pointed towards the door, he did an awkward smile and scurried out of the room, I smile and leave the room as well.

"Do you need any help with your bags?" I ask, watching John struggle, he looks up at me with a pleading look "Please."

He hands me 2 bags which were surprisingly heavy, I think I overestimated my strength because I thought my back was going to break or something.

I placed the bags on his bed and bent over, trying to catch my breath. John giggled and thanked me, he opened one of his suitcases and started unpacking his things. I went over to my bed and flopped onto it, "Do you want a Chinese?" I furrowed my brows and lifted my head to look at John, "Chinese?" He nodded.

"I'll pay." I smiled,
"Alright then."


There was a loud knock at the door, John and I looked at each other with huge grins and raced each other, he got to the door first and when he opened it I swear it's like heaven transformed into a smell, and it was beautiful.

We sat down in the front room, John insisted on watching a Disney film after I explained that I had never seen one, he put on the little mermaid. I was confused at first, a film about a mermaid, fish and lobster? Sounds a bit childish but holy shit was it the greatest film i've ever watched? Hell yes.

"Well? What did you think?" John looked at me with a shine in his eyes, "It was amazing, who knew that a lobster named Sebastian would be my new favourite thing?" I chuckled and looked at John, he had so many freckles, like stars, if you joined them all up you'd get constellations. I love stars.


I'm bored, there is literally nothing to do. John was sat on his bed, drawing. "John, would you like to go on a walk and maybe get to know each other? Like you seem super interesting and I would love to know things about...you." Sounds a bit gay, Alex.

He looked over at me and smiled, "Sure, there's a park just down the road, we can go there." I smiled nervously and went to put my coat and shoes on. I watched as he put his coat and shoes on, something I didn't notice before was how John smelled really good, like toffee. Even the sofa smells like him, which isn't surprising because he did sleep on it for 5 hours.

He turned around and I felt my cheeks go red, "So, you ready to go?" I nodded and we left the dorm.

The walk to the park wasn't that long, and the sun looked like it was going to set soon. We sat down on one of the benches, leaves were falling off the branches and my breath formed into a small cloud when I exhaled.

"Where are you from, Alex?" John asked, turning towards me, "O-oh, just a small place in the caribbean, not that important to be honest. Where are you from?" He smiled, "I'm from South Carolina, a strange place if i'm being honest, people aren't very nice there." He frowned.

"Let's go get some coffee."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2020 ⏰

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