Chapter 10

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*next day*
Nellys P.O.V

Last night Kalin stayed over because I had a free house and why not?
I fluttered my eyes open to find that he's not next to me and immediately smelled pancakes and assumed Kalin was cooking so I swung my legs over so they bed so they were hanging down and slipped out of bed to put on my silk robe and walked down the stairs not caring how I look or my morning breath and snaked my arms around Kalin's waist and he jumped
"Did I scare you" I whispered while tip toeing to reach his ear because he was hella tall
"Kinda" he chuckled
"Whatcha cookin good looking?" I laughed
"Oooo someone's getting their rhymes on today" he laughed "I'm making us pancakes by the way" he added
"Didn't know mr.white could cook" I chuckled while winking
"You may help and put out the toppings" he winked
"Zayum dat wink doeeee" I laughed hysterically
"Well you know me" he smiled
"Ooooo loving that smile" I laughed again
"Okay miss excuses seriously help out" he caught me
"Damn how'd you know" I asked
"Well I know my facts" he shrugged with a half smile.
I put out the plates and made some bacon and snuck out some maple syrup and some fruit, since I love being healthy 😂
We were eating and the latest magazine slipped through our mail and saw that I was on the front cover?
"What wrong babe?" Kalin asked
"Take a fricking look" I threw the magazine at him and his eyes grew
"Woahhhhh" he looked back at me with a disapproval look
"Wait you know it's not true right?" I asked worried
"Of course I don't believe that trash" he said
"What's wrong then" I asked
"Look" he turned the magazine to a picture of him and a girl talking
"Wtf?" I asked confused
"Look" he turned it to a photo of me and him kissing in bed
"Oh shoooot yeahhh" he smacked his head
"Well as long as we know it's not true we're fine" he shrugged it off

*later on*
Kalins P.O.V
We had a show tonight so I was hyped, I was getting ready when someone knocked on the door so I opened it and saw someone really Irrelevant and unfamiliar
"Hey I'm Dave" he smiled
"Dave?" I asked and here I was burning because I knew who this was "listen I don't wanna talk to you" I said calmly before loosing it
"Why not?" He asked confused
"I know exactly who you are and what you've done to my girlfriend" I gritted my teeth
"Who nelly? That slut? Yeah I remember her" he smirked "but God knows where she is now" he grinned
"What do you mean?" I asked
"She's not in the crowd that's all I know, not gonna be" he grinned and literally disappeared off my door....

Nellys P.O.V

All I remember was being in the crowd waiting for the boys to come out and boom I was blacked out.
I opened my eyes to see two huge guys smirking at me "where am I?" I practically yelled
"It doesn't concern you" one said chuckling
"Where's Kalin" I asked
"It doesn't concern you" the other laughed
"WHERE IS HE" I yelled even louder
"Don't get lippy or else" the other one raised his voice a bit more
"Or else what? You gonna slap me? Go on" as soon as I said that I felt pain smack my face
"Happy?" They both said and I smirked
"Beyond exited" i grinned as I untied my rope
"Stupid idiots" I said under my breath only for me to hear
"We're going out but soon Dave will be here" and they immediately disappeared
"Dave?" I asked
Oh shit.
Me likeyyyyy💥💁👾

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